FS 3.100: The impact of climate change on mountaineering and how it affects hiking trails, mountain huts and rock climbing areas and solutions for adaptions
Andreas Aschaber
Christiana Pedrazzini, Bojan Rotovnik, Hanspeter Mair, Piotr Pustelnik
FS 3.107: Mountain cities
Markus Lambracht
Andreas Haller
FS 3.108: Glacier modelling and downstream impacts
Lander Van Tricht
Rodrigo Aguayo, Marit van Tiel, Ines Dusaillant, Lizz Ultee
FS 3.109: The Changing Face of Mountain Regions: Climate Change Impacts on Alpine Mass Movements
Alexander Bast
Michael Bründl, Jacob Hirschberg, Raphael Neukom
FS 3.110: Sustainability, Recreation and Sports in Mountain Areas
Anna Gonzalez Manjon
Laura VIñals
FS 3.111: Degradation and conservation of Tibetan and Himalayan ecosystems: Challenges and pathways to resilience
Yujie Niu
Andreas von Heßberg, Limin Hua
FS 3.113: Challenges of alpine housing markets: patterns, policies and practices
Johannes Herburger
Elisabeth Gruber
FS 3.114: Managing protective forests as nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction in mountain areas
Ana Stritih
Alessandra Bottero, Christine Moos, Natalie Piazza, Michaela Teich
FS 3.115: Drought in mountain regions
Marit Van Tiel
Francesco Avanzi, Andrew Schwartz, Rafael Pimentel
FS 3.116: High mountain hydrology and cryosphere under global change: observations, modelling, prospects
Chris Debeer
John Pomeroy, Ignacio López Moreno, James McPhee
FS 3.117: The future of low-latitude alpine ecosystems in a changing world: what to expect from nature-based solutions?
Fabien Anthelme
Anaïs Zimmer
FS 3.118: Integrating cryosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere dynamics: from process-level insights to large-scale modeling
Harsh Beria
Mathieu Gravey, Marius Floriancic, Shaakir Dar, Rakesh Hooda
FS 3.119: The Third Pole: Examining climate change experiences with indigenous communities in the Indian Himalayas
Katie Conlon
Jigmet Lundup
FS 3.121: Changing sediment dynamics in alpine fluvial systems as climate warms
Ian Arburua Delaney
Jacob Hirschberg, Stuart Lane, Anne-Laure Argentine, Elena Serra
FS 3.122: The status and future of mountain waters
Daniel Viviroli
Thomas Marke
FS 3.123: Addressing Challenges and Exploring Solutions in Alpine Protected Areas
Stefanie Gubler
Valerie Braun, Margreth Keiler
FS 3.124: Plant agro-biodiversity for sustainable development of mountain areas
Luca Giupponi
Davide Pedrali, Alex Alberto, Anna Giorgi
FS 3.125: The role of environmental change for migration in mountains
Kjell Overvåg
Stella Giannakopoulou, Aimada Sole Figueras
FS 3.126: Which role of spatial-led research, planning and design in driving Alpine transitions?
Stefano Di Vita
Andrea Arcidiacono, Francesca Mazza, Leonardo Ramondetti, Gioele Rossi
FS 3.127: Mountain futures – Assessing challenges and co-producing solutions to mountain-social-ecological futures
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
Ignacio Palomo, Robert Marchant, Anaïs Zimmer, Carolina Adler
FS 3.128: Upstream-downstream connectivity and impacts of climate change in the world’s water towers
Fabian Drenkhan
Daniel Viviroli, Christopher A. Scott, Lauren Somers, Marit van Tiel
FS 3.129: Responses of Mountain Ecosystems in Asia to recent climate change
Jussi Grießinger
Achim Bräuning
FS 3.130: Andean Climate Change: Observation, Research & Discovery
Mathias Vuille
Fabian Drenkhan, Bryan Mark, Randy Munoz, Kristen Rasmussen
FS 3.132: Glacier-atmosphere coupling in mountain environments
Emily Collier
Tobias Sauter, Thomas Mölg, Rainer Prinz
FS 3.133: Climate change and tourism – Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation
Robert Steiger
Michelle Rutty
FS 3.134: Remote sensing to capture the dynamics of mountain cryosphere
Davide Fugazza
Biagio Di Mauro, Lea Hartl, Kathrin Naegeli
FS 3.135: Elevational stratification of climate change: impacts and driving mechanisms in global mountain ecosystems
Olivia Ferguglia
Nicholas Pepin, Elisa Palazzi, Anna Napoli, Pratik Kad, Raymond Bradley
FS 3.136: The heritagisation of abandoned mountain environments: challenges and opportunities for cultural sustainability and community renewal
Asja Gollo
Andreas Haller
FS 3.137: More than just water towers – the aquatic biodiversity of mountain waterscapes: patterns, trends and drivers to changes
Dean Jacobsen
Magdalena Vanek
FS 3.138: Mountain Echoes Beyond Boundaries: Writing, Stories, and Archives in Transnational Mountain History Research
Lucia Leoni
PearlAnn Reichwein, Maurizio Raselli, Charlotte Mitchell
FS 3.140: Harnessing Indigenous and Local Knowledge for Resilience: Community-Based Strategies in Mountainous Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation
Lina Rodriguez
Paola Fontanella Pisa, Simon Allen, Neera Shrestha Pradhan, Stefan Schneiderbauer
FS 3.141: From seeds to saplings. Challenges and innovations in regenerating mountain forests
Georg Gratzer
Andreas Rigling
FS 3.142: Mountain Precipitation in a Changing Climate: Processes, Feedbacks, and Implications
Lorenz Hänchen
Emily Potter
FS 3.143: Atmospheric Processes and Composition in Complex Environments
Thomas Karl
Paul Palmer, Jochen Wagner
FS 3.144: Geodetic contributions to the monitoring and analysis of the risks of extreme weather events
Gregor Moeller
Matthias Aichinger-Rosenberger
FS 3.145: Integrating Measurement Networks and Novel Techniques to Understand Greenhouse Gas Sources, Sinks, and Chemistry
Eliza Harris
Emmanuel Salmon, Elena Saltikoff
FS 3.146: Assessing the impacts of environmental drivers on natural capital, ecosystem condition and services, and human well-being in mountain areas
Joan Rabassa-Juvanteny
Bernat Claramunt-López, Anaïs Jolivet, Joachim Paul Töpper
FS 3.147: Monitoring, Assessment, and Multi-Scale Modeling of Landslides: Approaches for Hazard Analysis
Barbara Schneider-Muntau
Christina Rechberger, Christine Fey
FS 3.148: Glacier and permafrost risks in a changing climate
Holger Frey
Jane Walden, Marta Chiarle, Mylène Jacquemart
FS 3.149: Mountain regions as key biodiversity observatories – challenges and solutions in times of global changes
Elena Tello García
Chiara Paniccia, Thomas Marsoner, Georg Leitinger, Johannes Rüdisser, Ulrike Tappeiner
FS 3.150: Methodological advances in mountain research
Mathieu Gravey
Harsh Beria
FS 3.151: Mountain hazards: understanding the key risk drivers beyond climate change
Sven Fuchs
Margreth Keiler, Maria Papathoma-Köhle, Matthias Schlögl
FS 3.152: Architecture and climate change: explore criticalities and potentials of building in mountain areas within the current environmental crisis
Matteo Tempestini
Cristian Dallere, Federica Serra
FS 3.153: Glacier Ecosystem Services: Scientific and Community Perspectives on Water, Energy, and Food Security
Tejal Shirsat
Christopher Scott, Andrea Momblanch, Randy Muñoz, Zeeshan Tahir Virk, Fabian Drenkhan
FS 3.154: Promoting Timur ((Zanthophylum armatum) based Agroforestry Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and Economic Transformation
Merina Khadka
Jog Raj Giri
FS 3.155: Adapting to the Water Crisis in the Himalayan Region: Sectoral Implications and Anticipatory Actions
Santosh Nepal
Amina Maharjan
FS 3.156: Move or stay behind? Migration as adaptation in the context of climate change in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
Binaya Pasakhala
Amina Maharjan, Binaya Pasakhala, Sagar Sharma
FS 3.157: Agritourism in Mountain Areas in the Era of Overtourism
Christian Fischer
Thomas Streifeneder
FS 3.158: Navigating Africa’s mountains in new Global Change territory
Vincent Ralph Clark
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Rob Marchant, Christine Schmitt, Aida Cuni Sanchez, Jessica Thorn
FS 3.159: Understanding and managing mountain ecosystems in a changing climate: integrating long-term data for action
Laurent Marquer
Laurent Marquer, Andrea Seim, Charuta Kulkarni, Michal Słowinski, Estelle Razanatsoa
FS 3.160: Migration and Border Dynamics along the Alpine Arch
Andrea Omizzolo
Marzia Bona, Elisa Ravazzoli
FS 3.161: Inclusive and sustainable Livelihoods in the mountains: an assessment of strategies and approaches from the Highland3 project
Gillian Bowser
Shai Andre Divon, Ilinca Valentina Stoica
FS 3.162: Glacier Monitoring in Real-time – Opportunities and Challenges for In-situ Networks
Michael Zemp
Nina Kirchner, Ruslan Kenzhebaev, Antoine Rabatel, Rainer Prinz
FS 3.163: Changing microclimates on a macro-scale and their ecological impact in global mountains
Jonathan Von Oppen
Pekka Niittynen, Jonas Lembrechts, Kryštof Chytrý
FS 3.164: Andean glaciers and their role in the high mountain water cycle
Catriona Fyffe
Alvaro Ayala, Joshua Castro, Katy Medina, Edwin Loarte, Lucas Ruiz
FS 3.166: Alpine microclimates, biodiversity, and climate change
Stefan Dullinger
Harald Pauli
FS 3.167: Advancements in monitoring snow and glaciers in mountain regions using satellite data
Thomas Nagler
Thomas Nagler, Claudia Notarnicola
FS 3.168: A multidisciplinary approach to the science and conservation of global mountain spring ecosystems
Marco Cantonati
Dean Jacobsen, Flavia Tromboni, Leopold Füreder, Ingrid Jüttner
FS 3.170: Diversifying expertise on cold mountain regions – Decentering scientific epistemologies through local knowledge and collaboration on eye level
Anna-Maria Walter
Jakob Steiner, Roopam Shukla, Andrei Vinogradov, Suryanarayanan Balasubramania
FS 3.172: Speaking stones: The archaeology and anthropology of rock art in high mountain environments
Mark Aldenderfer
Laurianne Bruneau
FS 3.173: Competiting visions of socio-ecological transformations in mountain territories : analyzing the role of conflicts
Carine Pachoud
Felix M. Dorn, Jutta Kister, Kirsten Koop
FS 3.174: Abandoned (agricultural) building stock in mountain regions: Obstacles or opportunities for rural development?
Bernhard Grüner
Elisabeth Gruber, Ernst Steinicke, Thomas Kranebitter
FS 3.175: Adding value to wool, from globalization to the circular economy: which opportunities for mountain regions?
Jean-Baptiste Grison
Arielle Vidal
FS 3.176: Water Scarcity in Mountain Areas: Studies on Environmental Conflicts and Governance Proposals for Water Use
Carlotta Sauerwein-Schlosser
Facundo Rojas
FS 3.177: From Experiences of Loss to Transformation: Reimagining Mountain Areas in Times of Crisis and Beyond
Carlotta Sauerwein-Schlosser
Anna-Maria Brunner
FS 3.178: Mountains Matter: An Intercultural Approach to Human Connection and Stewardship of the Outdoors
Kacy Peckenpaugh
Cass Morgan, Gavin Roberts, Eric Hunter
FS 3.180: Agri-Food transition and citizenship: the role of citizens in systemic transformations
Jutta Kister
Marie Houdart, Rosalind Bryce, Sabine Girard
FS 3.181: Climate Governance in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: Transdisciplinary Adaptation and Mitigation from Community to Transboundary Levels
Christopher Scott
Shachi Truong, Sara Nowreen, Sarala Khaling, Wenling Wang, Tejal Shirsat
FS 3.182: Tackling Crises and Building Resilience for a Sustainable Hindu Kush Himalaya Region
Rongkun Liu
Yufang Su, Jianchu Xu, Sunita Chaudhary
FS 3.183: Data and methods for assessing knowledge and trends in mountain biodiversity and ecosystem worldwide
Davnah Urbach
Mark Snethlage, Antoine Guisan
FS 3.184: Innovative approaches and interdisciplinary perspectives. Investigating systemic risks and cascade hazards in mountain regions
Federica Romagnoli
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Massimiliano Pittore, Silvia Cocuccioni, Philipp Marr, Cees VanWestern
FS 3.185: Himalayan Forests Under Stress: Dynamics, Risks, and Resilience in the Face of Climate Change and Disasters
Dipesh Chapagain
Binaya Pasakhala
FS 3.186: Methodologies and ethical considerations in international mountain research
Marie Houdart
Bobby Macaulay, Fernando Ruiz Peyré, Jean-François Tourrand
FS 3.187: Digital transition of outdoor sports and tourism in moutain area : transformation of practices in recreational activities, research and management
Robin Lesné
Hugues François, Marc Langenbach, Pascal Mao
FS 3.189: Nature-based solutions in protected areas: an opportunity to improve management practices?
Camille Morel
Isabelle Arpin, Sandra Lavorel
FS 3.190: Building resilience to climate change through mountain nature-based community enterprises in Africa
Yvonne Bigengimana
Sam Kanyamibwa, George Muganga
FS 3.191: Forest recovery after disturbance: Challenges and opportunities for the management of mountain forests
Alessandra Bottero
Harald Bugmann, Dominik Kulakowski, Miroslav Svoboda, Euan Bowditch, Marco Mina
FS 3.192: Generating and integrating interdisciplinary data to understand mountain socio-ecological dynamics and support multi-scale policy formulation
James Thornton
Luis Daniel Llambí, Maria Shahgedanova, Sudip Pradhan, Yvonne Bigengimana, David Tarkhnishvili
FS 3.193: Water Management in Mountain Socio-Ecological-Technological Systems under Climate Change
Blal Adem Esmail
Giacomo Bertoldi, Navneet Kumar, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Stefano Terzi
FS 3.194: Practical education climate-smart technologies in the foothills of Georgia
Noe Khozrevanidze
Koba Kobaladze, Tamar Koblianidze
FS 3.195: Bridging Science, Policy, and Civil Society for Transformative Action in Mountain Regions
Federica Romagnoli
Lydia Pedoth, Cristina Dalla Torre, Jess Delves
FS 3.196: Mountain diversities for shared innovative solutions: The role of SMEs for sustainable and resilient development in mountain rural areas
Ingrid Machold
Petya Slavova, Daria Ernst, Nina Denisova, Karin Schroll
FS 3.197: Integrative approaches to cultural heritage and sustainable development: interactions between tourism development and mountain heritage
Rosalind Bryce
Rosalind Bryce, Chubbamenla Jamir, Adnan Dogar
FS 3.198: Working Conditions of Seasonal Workers on Alpine and Mountain Farms
Alexander Röösli
Sandra Contzen
FS 3.199: Towards a second Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise (GlaMBIE-II) – Glacier change observations for hydrological and sea-level rise assessments
Samuel U. Nussbaumer
Livia Jakob, Noel Gourmelen
FS 3.200: Mountain Territories as Emerging Extraction Frontiers. Balancing Energy Transition, Resource Exploitation, and Territorial Reconversion
Marie Forget
Alice Nikolli
FS 3.201: Treasures from the past: using archival information to quantify environmental change in mountains
Jakob Abermann
Samuel Nussbaumer, Hana Skokanová
FS 3.202: Understanding Multi-Hazard Risk in Mountain Systems
Annemarie Polderman
Ishmam Kabir, Andreas Mayer, Cees van Westen, Margreth Keiler
FS 3.203: European Mountain Livestock Farming: Challenges and Solutions
Michael Feller
Maximilian Meyer, Alexander Röösli
FS 3.204: Transformative changes towards Living Well in mountains: How does it feel?
Iago Otero
Anna Giorgi, Koop Kirsten, Polderman Annemarie, Pauline Robert, Theresa Tribaldos
FS 3.206: The Future of Mountain Forests
Michael Bahn
Stefan Mayr, Ursula Peintner, Rupert Seidl
FS 3.207: Alpine Forest players facing climate change crisis : adaptation, transition and new players
Raphael Lachello
Sandrine Allain
FS 3.208: UNESCO World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves: Bridging Science, Local and Indigenous Knowledge, and Policy for Sustainable Development
Paola Fontanella Pisa
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Maria Rosa Cardenas, Irina Pavlova, Hans Thulstrup, Jazmin Cevallos Vintimilla
FS 3.209: Safeguarding Pastoralism in Mountain Regions: through education, awareness raising and cross-sectoral collaborations
Tamara Mitrofanenko
Elena Fischer, Julia Stauder, Francesca Pasetti, Guillaume Corradino, Nina Shatberashvili
FS 3.210: Managing adaptation risks: Addressing unintended consequences of nature-based solutions in mountain socio-ecological-technological systems
Carl C Anderson
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Blal Adem Esmail, Davide Geneletti
FS 3.212: Tourism in mountain protected areas: challenge or opportunity for sustainability and inclusion?
Ilinca Valentina Stoica
Luis Carreira dos Santos, Mircea Verghelet
FS 3.213: New relations between humans and other than humans in mountain territories
Kirsten Koop
Amélie Coulbaut-Lazzarini, Clémence Perrin-Malterre
FS 3.214: Global change and shifts in native and non-native species distributions in mountain ecosystems
Sylvia Haider
Jake Alexander, Vincent Ralph Clark, Jonas Lembrechts, Sabine Rumpf, Tim Seipel
FS 3.215: Mountain ecosystems in the 2030 Agenda: sustainable balance between livelihoods and biodiversity conservation as an opportunity for rural development
Ignacio J. Diaz-Maroto
Adriana Conde-Fernandez
FS 3.216: High-Resolution Modeling of the Atmosphere
Nikolina Ban
Manuela Lehner, Mathias Rotach, Dino Zardi
FS 3.218: Communication in mountains
Miguel Sanches
Luís Filipe Neves Carreira dos Santos, Júlio César Silva
FS 3.219: Mobility and transport in mountain regions: adressing research gaps and best practices
Daniel Miravet Arnau
Aaron Gutiérrez Palomero
FS 3.220: Fostering sustainable and equitable food systems through agroecology: Opportunities and challenges for mountain regions
Maurice Tschopp
Lomáscolo Silvia, Mathez-Stiefel Sarah-Lan, Núñez Montellano Gabriela
FS 3.221: Impacts of in- and out-migration in rural and mountainous areas of Europe and the Global South
Marika Gruber
Saurav Kumar
FS 3.222: Energy transitions and their impacts in mountain areas
Fernando Ruiz Peyre
Lucrecia Wager, Felix Dorn
FS 3.223: Mountain Transhumance under social-ecological transformations
Fernando Ruiz Peyre
Luis Santos, Maria Karatzia, Jean-Francois Tourrand, Oscar Soto, Taher Srairi
FS 3.224: Agricultural and non-agricultural jobs in rural communities and attractiveness of mountain areas
Priscila Malanski
Matias Ghilardi, Valentina Stoica
FS 3.225: Novel techniques and methodologies in Mountain Archaeology
Michael Meyer
Wieke de Neef
FS 3.226: From tradition to exploitation: the rural mountain landscape in transformation
Alisia Tognon
Rosa Roncador
FS 3.227: Tales of the Earliest Human Uses of the World’s Mountain Ranges
Bonnie Pitblado
Noah Powell
FS 3.228: Use of timber forest resources within Bemanevika Protected Area, Northern Highlands of Madagascar
Séraphin Fabrice
Mathilde Natacha Ravakiniaina, Lily-Arison Rene de Roland, Marius Paul Hubert Rakotondratsima
FS 3.230: Global change in high mountain environments: impacts on upstream water resources and downstream implications
Arthur Lutz
Marit van Tiel, Timo Schaffhauser
FS 3.231: Holistic Resilience of Mountain Systems
Tobias Luthe
Romano Wyss, Sylwia Orczykowska
FS 3.232: Highland–lowland connections and interactions
Kurt Rademaker
Brian Stewart
FS 3.233: Precipitation Changes in Mountainous Hydroclimates
Michael Brody
Lucia Scaff, Paolo Arias, John Pomeroy, Ali Behrangi
FS 3.103: Creating knowledge about alpine-treeline ecotones in changing mountains
Maaike Bader
Klaus Katzensteiner, Johanna Toivonen, Lirey Ramírez, Peter Bebi, Nishtha Prakash
FS 3.104: Treeline dynamics of pine and birch in response to climate change in the Karakoram
Munawar Ali
Iqtidar Hussain
FS 3.105: Modeling Transformations of Mountain Landscapes: Opportunities and Threats
Fausto Sarmiento
Neslihan Dal
FS 3.139: Mountain soil biodiversity
Julia Seeber
Nadine Praeg, Michael Steinwandter, Paul Illmer, Bettina Weber, Davnah Urbach
FS 3.205: Mountain Festivals: The Representation, Marketing, and Consumption of Mountaineering Cultures
Caroline Schaumann
Harald Hoebusch
FS 3.234: Digital Technologies and Sustainable Mountain Development
Richard Heeks
Gianluca Iazzolino, Devinder Thapa, Pragyan Thapa
FS 3.101: High Mountain Asia’s cryo-hydrosphere: process understanding, downstream impacts, and prospects for operational solutions
Philip Kraaijenbrink
Martina Barandun, Evan Miles, Fanny Brun