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Climate change impact on mountaineering, infrastructure & solutions for adaption
Andreas Aschaber
FS 3.100
High Asia cryo-hydrology: processes and impacts across elevations
Philip Kraaijenbrink
FS 3.101
Creating knowledge about alpine-treeline ecotones
Maaike Bader
FS 3.103
Treeline dynamics in the Karakoram
Munawar Ali
FS 3.104
Mountain models
Fausto Sarmiento
FS 3.105
Urban networks in mountain regions from a global perspective
Markus Lambracht
FS 3.107
Glacier modelling and downstream impacts
Lander Van Tricht
FS 3.108
Climate Change Impacts on Alpine Mass Movements
Alexander Bast
FS 3.109
Balancing Conservation with Sports: Sustainability Challenges and Solutions
Anna Gonzalez Manjon
FS 3.110
Conserving Tibetan and Himalayan ecosystems
Yujie Niu
FS 3.111
Challenges of alpine housing markets: patterns, policies and practices
Johannes Herburger
FS 3.113
Forests as nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction
Ana Stritih
FS 3.114
Drought in mountain regions
Marit Van Tiel
FS 3.115
High mountain hydrology and cryosphere: observations, modelling, prospects
Chris Debeer
FS 3.116
Low-latitude alpine ecosystems and nature-based solutions
Fabien Anthelme
FS 3.117
Integrating cryosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere dynamics
Harsh Beria
FS 3.118
Experiences of Climate Change at the Third Pole
Katie Conlon
FS 3.119
Changing sediment dynamics in alpine fluvial systems as climate warms
Ian Arburua Delaney
FS 3.121
Mountain waters
Daniel Viviroli
FS 3.122
Challenges and Solutions in Alpine Protected Areas
Stefanie Gubler
FS 3.123
Mountain plant agro-biodiversity
Luca Giupponi
FS 3.124
Environmental change and migration
Kjell Overvåg
FS 3.125
Spatial-led research, planning and design for Alpine transition
Stefano Di Vita
FS 3.126
Mountain futures
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
FS 3.127
Upstream-downstream connectivity and impacts in the world’s water towers
Fabian Drenkhan
FS 3.128
Responses of Mountain Ecosystems in Asia to recent climate change
Jussi Grießinger
FS 3.129
Andean Climate Change
Mathias Vuille
FS 3.130
Glacier-atmosphere coupling
Emily Collier
FS 3.132
Climate change and tourism
Robert Steiger
FS 3.133
Remote sensing to capture the dynamics of mountain cryosphere
Davide Fugazza
FS 3.134
Recent advances in the Elevation-Dependent Climate Change in global mountains
Olivia Ferguglia
FS 3.135
Heritage landscapes in mountains
Asja Gollo
FS 3.136
The aquatic biodiversity of mountain waterscapes
Dean Jacobsen
FS 3.137
Mountain Echoes beyond Boundaries
Lucia Leoni
FS 3.138
Mountain soil biodiversity
Julia Seeber
FS 3.139
Indigenous and Local Knowledge for Mountain Resilience and Adaptation
Lina Rodriguez
FS 3.140
From seeds to saplings
Georg Gratzer
FS 3.141
Mountain Precipitation in a Changing Climate
Lorenz Hänchen
FS 3.142
Atmospheric Composition
Thomas Karl
FS 3.143
Geodetic monitoring and analysis of extreme weather events
Gregor Moeller
FS 3.144
Integrating Measurement Networks and Novel Techniques to Understand GHGs
Eliza Harris
FS 3.145
Assessing impacts on natural capital and ecosystem services in mountain areas
Joan Rabassa-Juvanteny
FS 3.146
Monitoring and Modeling of Landslides
Barbara Schneider-Muntau
FS 3.147
Glacier and permafrost risks in a changing climate
Holger Frey
FS 3.148
Mountain regions as key biodiversity observatories?
Elena Tello García
FS 3.149
Methodological advances in mountain research
Mathieu Gravey
FS 3.150
Mountain hazards: understanding the key risk drivers beyond climate change
Sven Fuchs
FS 3.151
Mountain architecture and climate change
Matteo Tempestini
FS 3.152
Glacier Ecosystem Services and WEF Security
Tejal Shirsat
FS 3.153
Climate Resilience Agroforestry Practices and Economic Transformation
Merina Khadka
FS 3.154
water crisis and anticipatory actions in the Himalayan region
Santosh Nepal
FS 3.155
To move or stay behind is the question
Binaya Pasakhala
FS 3.156
Mountain Agritourism
Christian Fischer
FS 3.157
African Mountains
Vincent Ralph Clark
FS 3.158
Managing mountain ecosystems in a changing climate: integrating long-term data
Laurent Marquer
FS 3.159
Migration and Border Dynamics
Andrea Omizzolo
FS 3.160
Inclusive and sustainable livelihoods in mountains
Gillian Bowser
FS 3.161
Glacier Monitoring in Real-time
Michael Zemp
FS 3.162
Macro-scale microclimate changes in global mountains
Jonathan Von Oppen
FS 3.163
Andean glaciers and their role in the high mountain water cycle
Catriona Fyffe
FS 3.164
Alpine microclimates, biodiversity, and climate change
Stefan Dullinger
FS 3.166
Advancements in monitoring snow and glaciers in mountain regions using satellite
Thomas Nagler
FS 3.167
Global mountain spring ecosystems
Marco Cantonati
FS 3.168
Approaching cold mountains through local knowledge exchange and collaboration
Anna-Maria Walter
FS 3.170
The archaeology and anthropology of rock art in high mountain
Mark Aldenderfer
FS 3.172
Visions and conflicts in socio-ecological transformation in mountain territories
Carine Pachoud
FS 3.173
Abandoned building stock in mountain regions
Bernhard Grüner
FS 3.174
Adding value to the wool: which opportunities for mountain regions?
Jean-Baptiste Grison
FS 3.175
Water Scarcity and Governance Approaches
Carlotta Sauerwein-Schlosser
FS 3.176
Experiences of Loss and Future Imaginaries
Carlotta Sauerwein-Schlosser
FS 3.177
Mountains Matter: Intercultural Approach to Human Connection and Stewardship
Kacy Peckenpaugh
FS 3.178
Agri-Food transition and citizenship
Jutta Kister
FS 3.180
HKH Climate Governance: Community to Transboundary Adaptation and Mitigation
Christopher Scott
FS 3.181
Tackling Crises and Building Resilience for a Sustainable HKH Region
Rongkun Liu
FS 3.182
Towards a global assessment of mountain biodiversity
Davnah Urbach
FS 3.183
Compound and Cascading Risks in Mountain Regions
Federica Romagnoli
FS 3.184
Himalayan Forests Under Stress
Dipesh Chapagain
FS 3.185
Methodologies and ethical considerations in international mountain research
Marie Houdart
FS 3.186
Digital transition of outdoor sports and tourism in moutain area
Robin Lesné
FS 3.187
NbS in protected areas: an opportunity to improve management practices?
Camille Morel
FS 3.189
Africa mountain community-based solutions
Yvonne Bigengimana
FS 3.190
Management of post-disturbance mountain forest recovery
Alessandra Bottero
FS 3.191
Generating and integrating interdisciplinary data
James Thornton
FS 3.192
Water Management in Mountain Socio-Ecological-Technological Systems
Blal Adem Esmail
FS 3.193
Practical education climate-smart technologies in the foothills of Georgia
Noe Khozrevanidze
FS 3.194
Transformative and Transdisciplinary Collaborations in Mountain Regions
Federica Romagnoli
FS 3.195
The role of SMEs in mountain areas
Ingrid Machold
FS 3.196
Mountain heritage and sustainable tourism
Rosalind Bryce
FS 3.197
Working Conditions of Seasonal Workers on Alpine and Mountain Farms
Alexander Röösli
FS 3.198
Glacier change observations for hydrological and sea-level rise assessments
Samuel U. Nussbaumer
FS 3.199
Mountain Territories: Towards New Extraction Frontiers
Marie Forget
FS 3.200
Treasures from the past
Jakob Abermann
FS 3.201
Multi-Hazard Risk in Mountain Systems
Annemarie Polderman
FS 3.202
European Mountain Livestock Farming: Challenges and Solutions
Michael Feller
FS 3.203
Transformative changes towards Living Well
Iago Otero
FS 3.204
Mountain Festivals
Caroline Schaumann
FS 3.205
The Future of Mountain Forests
Michael Bahn
FS 3.206
Alpine Forest players facing climate change crisis
Raphael Lachello
FS 3.207
UNESCO World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves
Paola Fontanella Pisa
FS 3.208
Safeguarding Pastoralism in Mountain Regions
Tamara Mitrofanenko
FS 3.209
Managing adaptation risks: Addressing unintended consequences of NBS
Carl C Anderson
FS 3.210
Tourism in mountain protected areas
Ilinca Valentina Stoica
FS 3.212
New relations between humans and other than humans in mountain territories
Kirsten Koop
FS 3.213
Global change and shifts in non-native and native species distributions
Sylvia Haider
FS 3.214
Conservation of mountain ecosystems in the 2030 Agenda
Ignacio J. Diaz-Maroto
FS 3.215
High-Resolution Modeling of the Atmosphere
Nikolina Ban
FS 3.216
Communication in mountains
Miguel Sanches
FS 3.218
Mobility in mountain regions
Daniel Miravet Arnau
FS 3.219
Local agroecological food systems in mountain regions
Maurice Tschopp
FS 3.220
Impacts of immigration and outmigration in Rural Europe and Global South
Marika Gruber
FS 3.221
Energy transitions and their impacts in mountain areas
Fernando Ruiz Peyre
FS 3.222
Mountain Transhumance under social-ecological transformations
Fernando Ruiz Peyre
FS 3.223
Agricultural and non-agricultural jobs in rural communities and attractiveness
Priscila Malanski
FS 3.224
Novel techniques and methodologies in Mountain Archaeology
Michael Meyer
FS 3.225
Rural mountain in transformation
Alisia Tognon
FS 3.226
Tales of the Earliest Human Uses of the World’s Mountain Ranges
Bonnie Pitblado
FS 3.227
Ethnobotany conducted in Bemanevika Protected Area
Séraphin Fabrice
FS 3.228
Global change impacts for mountain water resources and downstream implications
Arthur Lutz
FS 3.230
Holistic Resilience
Tobias Luthe
FS 3.231
Highland–lowland connections and interactions
Kurt Rademaker
FS 3.232
Mountain Precipitation Change
Michael Brody
FS 3.233
Digital Technologies and Sustainable Mountain Development
Richard Heeks
FS 3.234
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