Mountain data collection and modelling efforts are still often conducted in narrow disciplinary silos and short-term projects. Systematically gathered and comprehensive long-term data are scarce, with socio-economic data often especially lacking. Consequently, key interactions and feedbacks operating across mountain socio-ecological systems may remain poorly understood and/or represented in models. We encourage contributions that, a priori, take highly interdisciplinary/holistic and/or long-term approaches to (in situ and/or remotely sensed) data collection, collation, or integration across spatial and elevational gradients, and modelling studies that capitalize on a broad range of observations to deliver improved decision-relevant predictions. Pathways towards sustainably and permanently obtaining Standard Observations / Essential Mountain Variables, ideally following open science principles, should be explored (e.g. the emerging eLTER RI). We anticipate a rich discussion on the challenges of working across traditional disciplinary and methodological boundaries.
FS 2.102: Adaptation strategies and pathways for resilience in mountain regions
Paola Fontanella Pisa
Sunita Chaudhary, Jakob Steiner, Graham Prescott, Jess L. Delves, Stefan Schneiderbauer
FS 2.104: Alpine aquatic biodiversity: patterns, driving factors, and future perspectives
Dean Jacobsen
Jordi Catalan, Leopold Füreder, Dirk Schmeller
FS 2.106: Andean glaciers and their role in the high mountain water cycle
Álvaro Ayala, Francesca Pellicciotti, Alvaro Soruco
FS 2.108: What gets measured gets managed: assessing vulnerabilities and resilience to natural hazards in mountain areas
Sven Fuchs
Bernhard Gems, Margreth Keiler, Maria Papthoma-Köhle
FS 2.109: Atmospheric dynamics over cold regions and their bridging function to the larger-scale climate
Thomas Mölg
Jenny Victoria Turton, Tobias Sauter
FS 2.110:Changes in Snow Cover in Mountainous Regions of the Earth – Current Status and Research Needs for the Future
Wolfgang Schöner
Christoph Marty, Shawn Marshall
FS 2.111: The Most Challenging Expedition: The Future of Winter Recreation in an Era of a Rapidly Changing Climate
Kate Hanly
Graham McDowell, Brooklyn Rushton, Natalie Knowles
FS 2.112: The Changing Face of Mountain Regions: Climate Change Impacts on Alpine Mass Movements
Alexander Bast
Robert Kenner, Marcia Philips, Michael Bründl
FS 2.113: Common lands and resources in global mountains: challenges in coexistence need innovation in the commons to cope with ongoing changes and trends
Cristina Dalla Torre
Jess L. Delves
FS 2.115: Perspectives for Habitat in Mountain Area face Global Change?
Cássia Laire Kozloski
Ilinca-Valentina Stoica, Jean François Tourrand
FS 2.116: Deciduous broadleaf forests of European temperate areas: ecosystem services regarding to forest planning
Ignacio J. Diaz-Maroto
Albert Fekete, Joao Azevedo
FS 2.117: Livestock farming systems in mountain areas: interactions between biological and bio-cultural diversity in global changing contexts
Maria-Anastasia Karatzia
Enrico Sturaro, Martín Facundo, François Tourrand, Fernando Ruiz-Peyré
FS 2.118: Effects of digitalisation of public participation on the governance of protected areas and a possible change in the representation of stakeholder groups
Valerie Braun
Georg Aichholzer, Arne Arnberger, Michael Jungmeier, Christina Pichler-Koban, Gloria Elisabeth Rose
FS 2.120: Geospatial technologies in mountain archaeology
Francesco Carrer
FS 2.121: Glacier and permafrost risks in high mountains under climate change: from process understanding to disaster risk management
Marta Chiarle
Michele Koppes, Holger Frey, John J. Clague
FS 2.122: Glacier tourism in times of climate change: developments of the past, contemporary challenges and prospects for the future
Emmanuel Salim
Marius Mayer
FS 2.123: Glacier-atmosphere coupling in mountain environments
Tobias Sauter
Emily Collier, Rainer Prinz, Lindsey Nicholson
FS: 2.124: What governance for mountain areas? Case studies from European countries
Stefano Sala
Bernat Claramunt-Lopez, Anna Giorgi, Andreja Borec
FS 2.126: Research Natural Laboratories at High Altitude and in Steep Terrain
Ingo Hartmeyer
Jan Beutel, Samuel Weber, Michael Krautblatter, Fabrizio Troilo, Ludovic Ravanel
FS 2.127: The cryo-hydrosphere of High Mountain Asia: observations advancing process understanding, models of downstream impacts, and prospects for operational solutions
Philip Kraaijenbrink
Martina Barandun, Fanny Brun, Evan Miles
FS 2.128: Highland-lowland interactive systems in sustainable water management and resilient societies
Jess L. Delves
Ambe Emmanuel Cheo, Stefano Terzi
FS 2.129: The historical ecology of alpine environments: case studies and comparative analyses
Mark Aldenderfer
Davnah Urbach
FS 2.131: Integrated socioecological and ecohydrological modelling in mountain regions
Helmut Haberl
Veronika Gaube, Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Ulrike Tappeiner
FS 2.132: Land tenure and entrepreneurship in mountainous regions. Emphasis on youth entrepreneurship, amenity migration and tourism in relation to land tenure patterns.
Stella Giannakopoulou
Dimitris Kaliampakos, Apostolos Arvanitis
FS 2.133: Emerging hydro-ecological research in deglaciating mountain landscapes
Caroline Aubry-Wake
Mark Bryan, Emilio Mateo, Michael Baraer, Alfonso Andres Fernandez Rivera, Robert Herllstrom
FS 2.136: The natural heterogeneity of the mountain snow cover – observations, measurements and implications for modelling environmental processes
Kay Helfricht
Stefan Achleitner, Marc Adams, Paul Marek Schattan
FS 2.137: Mountains at the frontline of climate change: data, knowledge, and governance of adaptation strategies to address climate risks
Carolina Adler
Luis Daniel Llambí C., Alexandra Grace Mackey, James Thornton, Philippus Wester
FS 2.139: Mountain grasslands under global change
Michael Bahn
Richard Bardgett, Sandra Lavorel, Ursula Peintner, Ulrike Tappeiner
FS 2.140: Traditional horticultural landraces as innovative solutions for mountain agriculture
Valeria Leoni
Stefano Sala, Luca Giupponi, Annamaria Giorgi, Alessia Rodari, Marco Zuccolo
FS 2.141: Mountain hut, a relevant lab to study environmental and societal transformations in mountain systems with trans and interdisciplinary approaches
Riccardo Beltramo
Victor Andrade, Raffella Balzarini, Philippe Bourdeau, Jacques Mourey, Jutta Kister
FS 2.142: Mountain Protected Natural Areas as Sustainable Development Tools? Examining the Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Protected Natural Areas in Highlands
Valerià Paül
Ilinca-Valentina Stoica, Luis Santos
FS 2.143: Mountain soil biodiversity above the treeline: current knowledge and research needs
Julia Seeber
Michael Steinwandter, Bettina Weber, Paul Illmer, Nadine Präg, Davnah Urbach
FS 2.145: Native and non-native species range expansions in mountains: Understanding underlying mechanisms and evaluating impacts on ecosystem functions and services
Sylvia Haider
Jake Alexander, Paul Kardol, Jonas Lembrechts, Anibal Pauchard, Tim Seipel
FS 2.146: Nature-based solutions to water-related risks in mountain regions
Fabian Drenkhan
Jonathan Duncan Mackay, Francisco Román-Dañobeytia, Wouter Buytaert, David M. Hannah
FS 2.148: Obtaining and integrating interdisciplinary mountain data in support of research and policy
James Thornton
Carolina Adler, Michael Mirtl, Steffen Zacharias, GEO Mountains
FS 2.150: Transhumance in Mountains Facing Global Change: An assessment of Breeders and Stakeholders’ Evolving Practices
Mabelle Chedid
Maria-Ananstasia Karatzia, Luís Santos, Mohamed Taher Srairi, Jorge Grijalva, Jean François Tourrand
FS 2.152: Facing uncertain futures in mountain landscapes: Pathways towards nature-based adaptation to climate change and transformation
Ana Stritih
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Bruno Locatelli
FS 2.153: Mountain biodiversity monitoring for effective policy making and management in the context of global change
Christophe Randin
Antoine Guisan, Emmanuel Reynard, Iago Otero, Helene Cristofari, Davnah Urbach
FS 2.156: Connecting protected areas – safeguarding open spaces in mountain areas by spatial planning
Hubert Job
Marius Mayer
FS 2.157: Towards a community of practice for science-based transformations to sustainability in mountain regions
Gilles Marciniak
Carolina Adler, Davnah Urbach, Sandrine Paillard
FS 2.158: SedInOut: Development of a risk-management methodology through the assessment of sediment availability in high-alpine settings that are susceptible to climate changes
Monika Rabanser
Francesco Brardinoni, Federica Minotti
FS 2.160: Smart Villages in mountain areas: The role of technological and social innovation in sustaining local communities. State of the art, applications and future directions.
Stefano Duglio
Maria Nijnik, Marine Elbakidze, Lela Khartishvili, Mariana Melnykovych
FS 2.161: Ecological implications of snow cover changes in mountain ecosystems
Arthur Broadbent
Michael Bahn, Richard Bardgett
FS 2.162: From constraints to opportunities for social innovation: To what extent do mountain conditions favor the emergence of collective action for society and environment?
Marie Houdart
Carine Pachoud, Rosalind Bryce, Etienne Polge, Olivier Barrière
FS 2.163: Social strategies and rituality in ancient mountain landscapes
Federica Fontana
Martin Callanan, Xavier Mangado Llach, Brian Stewart
FS 2.165: Species trait changes under global environmental change
Anne Bjorkman
Sylvia Haider, Anne Kempel, Sonja Wipf, Michael Bahn, Christian Rixen
FS 2.167: Coupling social, ecological and environmental research to underpin the future sustainability and resilience of mountain social-ecological systems across Africa.
Rob Marchant
Jessica Thorn, Aida Cuni Sanchez, Bob Nakileza, Vincent Ralph Clark
FS 2.169: Forest regeneration under pressure: can climate change and increasing disturbances undermine the resilience of mountain forest ecosystems?
Alessandra Bottero
Harald Bugmann, Frank Krumm, Andrea Doris Kupferschmid, Renzo Motta, Marco Conedera
FS 2.170: The impact of migration for the wellbeing in rural and mountainous areas – Case studies, paradoxes and appropriate policies in European and transnational reflection
Marika Gruber
Ingrid Machold, Andrea Membretti, Manfred Perlik
FS 2.171: Quo vadis, dear commons? – The role of commons in mountain regions under global changes
Julia Grosinger
Emmanuel Salim, Claire Peres, Raphaël Lachello, Aurélie Debusschère, Emmanuel Salim
FS 2.173: Towards climate neutrality in mountains: Local climate governance and energy transitions for GHG mitigation.
Lauren Lecuyer
Susanne Wymann von Dach, Carolina Adler, F. Sebastián Riera, Biraj Thapa, Wenling Wang
FS 2.174: Transdisciplinary approaches for the future of mountain transhumance, forestry, and livelihoods
Michael Feller
Thomas Blättler, Jean-Jacques Thormann, Bruno Durgiai, David Raemy
FS 2.175: Strategies and policies for effective and transformational adaptation of social-ecological systems in mountain regions
Randy Muñoz
Luis Daniel Llambi C., Holger Frey, Fabian Drenkhan, Christian Huggel, Manuel Peralvo
FS 2.176: Transformations towards more sustainable and just landscapes of food production in mountains
Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel
Theresa Tribaldos
FS 2.177: UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme’s World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves – connecting science, practice and policy within model areas for sustainable development
Paola Fontanella Pisa
James Thornton, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Carolina Adler, Maria Cardenas, Martin Price
FS 2.180: Working conditions and attractiveness of agricultural jobs in mountain areas: what future for work in agriculture?
Sylvie Cournut
Benoît Dedieu, Claire Morgan-Davies
FS 2.125: Current developments of open source gravitational mass flow simulation tools in avalanche research and education
Felix Oesterle
Wolfgang Fellin, Jan-Thomas Fischer, Ingrid Reiweger, Matthias Granig, Julia Kowalski