
FS 2.131

Integrated socioecological and ecohydrological modelling

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  • Full Title

    FS 2.131: Integrated socioecological and ecohydrological modelling in mountain regions
  • Scheduled

  • Location

  • Convener

  • Co-Conveners

    Veronika Gaube, Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Ulrike Tappeiner
  • Thematic Focus

  • Keywords

    Society-nature interaction, Sustainability, Mountain ecosystems, Eco-hydrology, Agent-based model


Mountain regions are characterized by high variability and gradients, thus representing good model cases for studying society-nature interactions. Integrated socioecological models contribute to analyzing society-nature interaction – a core aspect of sustainability – by representing societal and ecological components at a similar level of complexity, ideally in a spatially explicit manner. This often requires the integration of different modelling strategies, e.g. an agent-based model capable of representing decisions of actors, system-dynamic stock-flow models to capture the dynamics of key biophysical dynamics (e.g. material or energy flows), and a distributed eco-hydrological model to capture the flow of water and nutrients in catchments. While some models may focus on socioeconomic or socioecological metabolism – the material and energy flows associated with societal activities -, others address biodiversity, C or N flows or other environmental issues. This session welcomes contributions from mountain areas around the world addressing a variety of themes in an integrated manner.