FS 2.177
UNESCO MAB World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves
Full Title
FS 2.177: UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme's World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves - connecting science, practice and policy within model areas for sustainable developmentScheduled
James Thornton, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Carolina Adler, Maria Cardenas, Martin PriceAssigned to Synthesis Workshop
Thematic Focus
Global change, mountains, social-ecological systems, science-policy, biosphere reserves
UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Biosphere Reserves (BRs) are ideal spaces in which to learn about sustainable development in social-ecological systems, involving local communities and stakeholders in research, planning, and management. To date, UNESCO has designated 727 BRs; of these, 65% are in mountains. To improve the prospects of supporting sustainable development in these BRs, the UNESCO MAB relaunched its World Network of Mountain BRs. The Network connects actors working in mountain BRs, including BR managers/coordinators, scientists, universities and research centres, local communities, UN agencies, associations, and NGO’s. To help inform the Network’s activities, this session invites contributions on research being undertaken at mountains BRs that address at least one of the following Network priorities:
- Citizen science & grassroots innovation
- Climate change
- Cross-border cooperation & science diplomacy
- Cultural values & languages
- Disaster risk & impact assessments
- Education
- Governance
- Indigenous & local knowledge
- Sustainable management
- Water & forest resources