FS 2.171
The role of commons in mountain regions under global changes
Full Title
FS 2.171: Quo vadis, dear commons? - The role of commons in mountain regions under global changesScheduled
Emmanuel Salim, Claire Peres, Raphaël Lachello, Aurélie Debusschère, Emmanuel SalimAssigned to Synthesis Workshop
Thematic Focus
Commons, resource management, landscape, collective action, climate change
In mountain regions, the organisation of different types of commons contributes to socioeconomic livelihoods, landscape maintenance and the social tissue of local populations. However, it is not clear how commons are evolving in view of rapidly moving circumstances such as climate change, the exploitation of resources or evolving life style expectations. We embed the various (e.g. spatial, temporal and organisational) dimensions of commons in the social-ecological context of mountain regions. We aim to assess their past and future trajectories and to identify and systemize their possible links, roles and responses to global changes. The session systemizes the commons field and promotes interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers. Leading questions: What defines commons in mountain regions? What are their specifics? Can commons act as a suitable boundary subject for interdisciplinary research in mountain regions? How can mountain commons facilitate transformative change for local and global societies? Which regulative mechanisms affect commons in mountain regions?
Important: This session is closely related to session ID13 and therefore it’s planned that the sessions will be scheduled consecutively.