Focus Sessions

ID02: Adaptation strategies and pathways for resilience in mountain regions


ID04: Alpine aquatic biodiversity


ID05: Alpine Treeline Ecotones under Global Change


ID06: Andean glaciers and their role in the high mountain water cycle


ID08: Assessing vulnerabilities and resilience to mountain hazards


ID09: Atmospheric dynamics over cold regions in a large-scale context


ID10: Changes in Snow Cover in Mountainous Regions of the Earth


ID11: Climate Change And Mountain Recreation


ID12: Climate Change Impacts on Alpine Mass Movements


ID13: Common Land And Resources in Global Mountains: Challenges in Coexistence


ID15: Current Dynamics and trends in Housing in Mountain Area


ID16: Deciduous hardwood forests of temperate areas: ecosystem services


ID17: Diversity and interactions in mountain livestock farming systems


ID18: Effects of digitalisation on participatory governance


ID20: Geospatial technologies in mountain archaeology


ID21: Glacier and permafrost risks in a changing climate


ID22: Glacier tourism in times of climate change: Past, present and future


ID23: Glacier-atmosphere coupling in mountain environments


ID24: Governance in mountain areas


ID25: Gravitational mass flow simulations for avalanches


ID26: High Altitude Natural Laboratories


ID27: High Asia cryo-hydrology: processes and impacts across elevations


ID28: Highland-lowland systems in water management and resilient societies


ID29: Historical ecology of alpine environments


ID31: Integrated socioecological and ecohydrological modelling


ID32: Land tenure and entrepreneurship in mountainous regions


ID36: Monitoring of heterogeneous mountain snowpacks


ID37: Mountain climate change adaptation: data, knowledge, and governance


ID39: Mountain grasslands under global change


ID40: Mountain horticultural agrobiodiversity


ID41: Mountain huts: a lab to observe mountain transitions


ID42: Mountain Protected Natural Areas as Sustainable Development Tools?


ID43: Mountain soil biodiversity above the treeline


ID45: Native and non-native species range expansions in mountains


ID46: Nature-based solutions to water-related risks in mountain regions


ID48: Obtaining and integrating interdisciplinary mountain data


ID50: Past, Recent and Future Changes in Mountain Transhumance


ID52: Pathways towards nature-based adaptation and transformation in mountains


ID53: Policy-relevant mountain biodiversity monitoring


ID56: Safeguarding open spaces in the Alps


ID57: Science-based pathways to sustainability in mountains


ID58: SedInOut: Sediment availability assessment linked to climate change


ID60: Smart Mountain Villages


ID61: Snow cover change and mountain ecology


ID62: Social innovation in mountain areas


ID63: Social strategies and rituality in ancient mountain landscapes


ID65: Species trait changes under global environmental change


ID67: Sustainability of mountain social-ecological systems across Africa


ID69: The future of mountain forest regeneration


ID70: The impact of migration for rural and mountainous wellbeing


ID71: The role of commons in mountain regions under global changes


ID72: The status and future of mountain waters


ID73: Towards climate neutrality in mountains


ID74: Transdisciplinary approaches for the future of mountain transhumance, forestry, and livelihoods


ID75: Transformational adaptation of social-ecological mountain systems


ID76: Transforming mountain foodscapes


ID77: UNESCO MAB World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves


ID80: Working conditions and attractiveness of agricultural jobs, what future for youth in mountain areas?


ID82: High-resolution atmospheric modeling


ID83: Patterns of Elevation Dependent Climate Change in mountains


ID99: Open Poster Session
