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Adaptation strategies and pathways for resilience in mountain regions
Paola Fontanella Pisa
FS 2.102
Alpine aquatic biodiversity
Dean Jacobsen
FS 2.104
Alpine Treeline Ecotones under Global Change
Maaike Bader
FS 2.105
Andean glaciers and their role in the high mountain water cycle
FS 2.106
Assessing vulnerabilities and resilience to mountain hazards
Sven Fuchs
FS 2.108
Atmospheric dynamics over cold regions in a large-scale context
Thomas Mölg
FS 2.109
Changes in Snow Cover in Mountainous Regions of the Earth
Wolfgang Schöner
FS 2.110
Climate Change And Mountain Recreation
Kate Hanly
FS 2.111
Climate Change Impacts on Alpine Mass Movements
Alexander Bast
FS 2.112
Common Land And Resources in Global Mountains: Challenges in Coexistence
Cristina Dalla Torre
FS 2.113
Current Dynamics and trends in Housing in Mountain Area
Cássia Laire Kozloski
FS 2.115
Deciduous hardwood forests of temperate areas: ecosystem services
Ignacio J. Diaz-Maroto
FS 2.116
Diversity and interactions in mountain livestock farming systems
Maria-Anastasia Karatzia
FS 2.117
Effects of digitalisation on participatory governance
Valerie Braun
FS 2.118
Geospatial technologies in mountain archaeology
Francesco Carrer
FS 2.120
Glacier and permafrost risks in a changing climate
Marta Chiarle
FS 2.121
Glacier tourism in times of climate change: Past, present and future
Emmanuel Salim
FS 2.122
Glacier-atmosphere coupling in mountain environments
Tobias Sauter
FS 2.123
Gravitational mass flow simulations for avalanches
Felix Oesterle
FS 2.125
High Altitude Natural Laboratories
Ingo Hartmeyer
FS 2.126
High Asia cryo-hydrology: processes and impacts across elevations
Philip Kraaijenbrink
FS 1.127
Highland-lowland systems in water management and resilient societies
Jess L. Delves
FS 2.128
Historical ecology of alpine environments
Mark Aldenderfer
FS 2.129
Integrated socioecological and ecohydrological modelling
Helmut Haberl
FS 2.131
Land tenure and entrepreneurship in mountainous regions
Stella Giannakopoulou
FS 2.132
Life after Ice
Caroline Aubry-Wake
FS 2.133
Monitoring of heterogeneous mountain snowpacks
Kay Helfricht
FS 2.136
Carolina Adler
FS 2.137
Mountain grasslands under global change
Michael Bahn
FS 2.139
Mountain horticultural agrobiodiversity
Valeria Leoni
FS 2.140
Mountain huts: a lab to observe mountain transitions
Riccardo Beltramo
FS 2.141
Mountain Protected Natural Areas as Sustainable Development Tools?
Valerià Paül
FS 2.142
Mountain soil biodiversity above the treeline
Julia Seeber
FS 2.143
Native and non-native species range expansions in mountains
Sylvia Haider
FS 2.145
Nature-based solutions to water-related risks in mountain regions
Fabian Drenkhan
FS 2.146
Obtaining and integrating interdisciplinary mountain data
James Thornton
FS 2.148
Mountain data collection and modelling efforts are still often conducted in narrow disciplinary silos and short-term projects. Systematically gathered and comprehensive long-term data are scarce, with socio-economic data often especially lacking. Consequently, key interactions and feedbacks operating across mountain socio-ecological systems may remain poorly understood and/or represented in models. We encourage contributions that, a priori, take highly interdisciplinary/holistic and/or long-term approaches to (in situ and/or remotely sensed) data collection, collation, or integration across spatial and elevational gradients, and modelling studies that capitalize on a broad range of observations to deliver improved decision-relevant predictions. Pathways towards sustainably and permanently obtaining Standard Observations / Essential Mountain Variables, ideally following open science principles, should be explored (e.g. the emerging eLTER RI). We anticipate a rich discussion on the challenges of working across traditional disciplinary and methodological boundaries.
Mabelle Chedid
FS 2.150
Pathways towards nature-based adaptation and transformation in mountains
Ana Stritih
FS 2.152
Policy-relevant mountain biodiversity monitoring
Christophe Randin
FS 2.153
Safeguarding open spaces in the Alps
Hubert Job
FS 2.156
Science-based pathways to sustainability in mountains
Gilles Marciniak
FS 2.157
SedInOut: Sediment availability assessment linked to climate change
Monika Rabanser
FS 2.158
Smart Mountain Villages
Stefano Duglio
FS 2.160
Arthur Broadbent
FS 2.161
Social innovation in mountain areas
Marie Houdart
FS 2.162
Social strategies and rituality in ancient mountain landscapes
Federica Fontana
Species trait changes under global environmental change
Anne Bjorkman
FS 2.165
Sustainability of mountain social-ecological systems across Africa
Rob Marchant
FS 2.167
The future of mountain forest regeneration
Alessandra Bottero
FS 2.169
The impact of migration for rural and mountainous wellbeing
Marika Gruber
FS 2.170
The role of commons in mountain regions under global changes
Julia Grosinger
FS 2.171
The status and future of mountain waters
Thomas Marke
FS 2.172
Towards climate neutrality in mountains
Lauren Lecuyer
FS 2.173
Transdisciplinary approaches for the future of mountain transhumance, forestry, and livelihoods
Michael Feller
FS 2.174
Transformational adaptation of social-ecological mountain systems
Randy Muñoz
FS 2.175
Transforming mountain foodscapes
Sarah-Lan Mathez-Stiefel
FS 2.176
UNESCO MAB World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves
Paola Fontanella Pisa
FS 2.177
Working conditions and attractiveness of agricultural jobs, what future for youth in mountain areas?
Sylvie Cournut
FS 2.180
Governance in mountain areas
Stefano Sala
FS 2.124
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