FS 3.168
Global mountain spring ecosystems
Full Title
FS 3.168: A multidisciplinary approach to the science and conservation of global mountain spring ecosystemsScheduled
Assigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
Conservation, Ecosystems, Socio-Ecology, Sustainable Development, Water ResourcesKeywords
mountain spring ecosystems, appreciation, conservation, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary
Though of vital importance as resources, for their ecosystem services, and for biodiversity conservation, as well as from societal and cultural standpoints, spring ecosystems have been largely neglected and are still insufficiently studied worldwide. Springs are particularly numerous and relevant to human communities in mountain areas. We strive to use the multi- and interdisciplinary context of IMC to discuss mountain spring ecosystems worldwide, highlighting their critical importance for biodiversity and ecosystem processes, while fostering greater societal and political appreciation, study, and conservation.