SW 2.106: Mountain food regimes, global challenges and local answers
Karoline Daugstad
Schermer Markus
SW 2.104: Social innovation and community resource management
Cecilia Turin
Fernando Ruiz Peyré
SW 2.102: The blue gold rush – water management and related power structures linked to water availability and access in the context of upland-lowland interactions
Stefan Schneiderbauer
Nanki Kaur, Sunita Chaudhary, Jess Delves, Daniel Viviroli
SW 2.103: Challenges in implementing the Sendai Framework in Mountain Environments
Joerg Szarzynski
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Cees van Westen, Margreth Keiler
SW 2.101: Mountain Ecosystems under Global Change
Maaike Bader
Bahn Michael, Haberl Helmut, Mayr Stefan