
SW 2.106

Mountain food regimes, global challenges and local answers

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  • Full Title

    SW 2.106: Mountain food regimes, global challenges and local answers
  • Scheduled

  • Location

  • Convener

    Karoline Daugstad
  • Co-Conveners

    Schermer Markus
  • Thematic Focus

  • Keywords

    No keywords defined


Food production in mountain areas has become increasingly under threat by global competition. However, the polarisation of the current food regime into “food from nowhere” and “food from somewhere” opens new opportunities for the production of high-quality mountain food products for local and global markets. At the same time, current crises have underpinned the need for local production of basic staple foods. Furthermore, the necessary transition to a sustainable bioeconomy provides new competitive arrangements between the production of food, energy and raw materials for industry with specific implications for the resilience of mountain areas. The workshop aims to synthesize current innovative approaches to tackle these challenges.