PS 2.135
Discussing transdisciplinary practices for global mountain sustainability
Full Title
PS 2.135: Discussing transdisciplinary practices for global mountain sustainability: opportunities, challenges and experiencesScheduled
Paola Fontanella Pisa, Iago Otero, Carolina Adler, Nina Shatberashvili, Manuel PeralvoAssigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
No focus definedKeywords
Interdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary, transformative, mountain region characteristics
Many challenges of mountain regions need to be addressed by inter- / transdisciplinary approaches due to complex interlinkages of natural and social-cultural processes within steep terrain. In 2021, during a workshop on inter- and transdisciplinary mountain research institutions, participants from several mountain regions shared experiences and ideas. The group decided to continue exchange on challenges and ways forward, to better understand and facilitate transdisciplinary (TD) practices in mountain regions as well as to maximize the transformative effect of this research.
During the session, we will follow up on the workshop results, while inviting colleagues from mountain regions across the world to contribute their experiences. We will map existing TD projects, considering specific characteristics of mountain regions that may be relevant for implementing TD research, identifying future research fields where TD research has the potential to add the greatest value, and addressing formation of TD research partnerships within mountain research networks.