PL 2.114
Communicating mountain research otherwise
Full Title
PL 2.114: Communicating mountain research otherwise: possible bridges between arts, sciences and beyondScheduled
Jorge Panchoaga, Felix DornAssigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
No focus definedKeywords
arts and sciences, mountain stakeholders, knowledge co-production, other languages and formats
An increasing number of scholars, researchers, and practitioners interested in mountain regions has resulted in growing communities and networks that develop works and agendas around diverse mountain issues. However, because of the ‘language’ (format), deciphering contents in many of these works is reserved for people with backgrounds in academia or institutions. We ask how and in what format the knowledge and contents produced around mountains are shared with other stakeholders outside academia. This session is a call to show experiences in ‘other ways’, including formats such as image, video, sounds and other possible plastic creations to communicate mountain interests from the diversity of stakeholders that participate in the (co)production of meaning, knowledge and research. We explicitly invite innovative and creative works that use and show other forms and formats. The aim of this session is to challenge the dichotomy between arts and science, attempting to build bridges between scientific and other forms of knowledge production and its communication.