Session Formats @ #IMC

“Call for Sessions” open for


2024/11/28 23:59:59

Focus Sessions

  • Oral sessions can be up to 210 min (depending on the number of participants)
  • Poster sessions can be up to 45 min
  • Session convenors decide on the length of participants’ presentations and of joint discussions (within the session time slot) once they have confirmed the participants
  • If thematically fitting, focus sessions should be assigned to a Synthesis Workshops (in this case, one session convenor is asked to present the session outcome in the respective synthesis workshop)


  • Workshops can be up to 210 min (depending on the number of participants)
  • Workshop moderators decide on the length of participants’ presentations whereas time for joint discussions will be at least half of the total workshop time.
  • If thematically fitting, focus sessions should be assigned to a Synthesis Workshops (in this case, one session convenor is asked to present the session outcome in the respective synthesis workshop)

Plenary Sessions

  • Relevant across disciplines
  • Up to 90 min sessions in the (early) evening (18:30-20:00)
  • Shortterm (June/July) registration for registered #IMC participants

Synthesis Workshops

  • Workshop topics have been suggested by the #IMC Scientific Committee
  • Oral sessions can be up to 180 min with short introductions and comprehensive discussions
  • Synthesis Workshops will be scheduled after focus sessions that are assigned to the workshop
  • Conveners of assigned focus sessions will briefly report on session outcomes at the beginning

Public Events

  • Up to 90 min events in the evening
  • Contents, methods and target groups fully open
  • Option to provide drinks and snacks
  • Non-scientists can be invited to register for free

Side Events

  • Events directly before or after the #IMC
  • Rooms are provided for free
  • Organisation of the events is supported by IMC-organizers