Welcome to #IMC

Knowledge of Mountains, Mountains of Knowledge – #IMC president and the organizer team will introduce the motto and characteristics of #IMC.


Registration Desk is open on Sunday from 13:00 to 20:30 (LOT). Please bring with you all necessary documents for a successful registration. All informations on travelling to Austria/Innsbruck, Accommodations, etc.…

Conference Excursion

The excursion is designed as zero emission event and will be guided by the Gemeindemuseum Absam and is open for all interested #IMC22 participants. It will give insights into the history…

Conference Dinner & Aftertime

In 2022, #IMC will offer kind of an alternative conference dinner in the form of food stands hosted by local farmers. Distances from the field to the plates will be…

Ice Breaker

Details will be announced at a later time

Live Act by Manu Delago

Enjoy a fantastic start in the #IMC22 Conference with our Kickoff Event @ SOWI. Manu Delago will show his performance where acoustic percusion instruments melt with electronic beats … food/beverage…