
WS 3.504

Numerical Modeling for Landslide Risk Assessment

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  • Full Title

    WS 3.504: Numerical Modeling for Landslide Risk Assessment
  • Scheduled

  • Location

  • Convener

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Thematic Focus

    No focus defined
  • Keywords

    numerical modeling, landslides, risk assessment, geotechnical analysis, open source software


Understanding and predicting landslide behavior is crucial for mitigating risks in mountainous regions. This session focuses on the application of numerical modeling techniques to assess soil behavior under stress conditions and to simulate landslide scenarios. Participants will be introduced to open source software tools such as R-slope or Avaflow, widely used in geotechnical engineering for analyzing soil-structure interactions.

The goal is to to set up a simple numerical model that represents the slope visited on the excursion session. The participants will learn how to use topografic data, INSAR-data, geological maps and laboratoric data to create a simple model close to reality to capture the behaviour of soil.

Furthermore participants will have a brief introdution to advanced numerical models, such as: coding, 3D-modelling and advanced soil constitutive models.

The session will include practical exercises where participants develop simple models to simulate landslides, evaluate soil stability, and predict potential failure mechanisms. Discussions will emphasize the interpretation of modeling results and their application in real-world hazard assessment and mitigation strategies.