This information is extracted from your profile. To change your profile please use this >> link <<

First Name[swpm_show_member_info column=”first_name”]
Last Name[swpm_show_member_info column=”last_name”]
E-Mail[swpm_show_member_info column=”email”]
Member Status[swpm_show_member_info column=”membership_level_name”]
Member ID[swpm_show_member_info column=”member_id”]
Member Since[swpm_show_member_info column=”subscription_starts”]
Organisation[swpm_show_member_info column=”company_name”]
Address[swpm_show_member_info column=”address_street”]
City[swpm_show_member_info column=”address_city”]
ZIP[swpm_show_member_info column=”address_zipcode”]
Country[swpm_show_member_info column=”country”]
State[swpm_show_member_info column=”address_state”]
Phone[swpm_show_member_info column=”phone”]
Last Accessed[swpm_show_member_info column=”last_accessed”]
Account State[swpm_show_member_info column=”account_state”]


Swipe the table with your finger/mouse

How can we help you?

Select the task by clicking on a button!

Presentation Guidelines

For a successful and smooth session we ask you to check your presentation based on our checklist before uploading to the Conftool. As #IMC22 is a hybrid conference some criteria have to be fullfilled for your presentation slides.

Important Links

>> Infos and Downloads (media material) for logos, wording, color coding
>> PPTX Template (v1.0.2) for #IMC22
>> Conftool for uploading


  • We only accept PDF, PPTX

    Please upload your presentation (only!) as PDF or PPTX
    (For Animations in General: If possible, use links to an external source; For Animations in PPTX: Videos need to be embedded to work! Only use MP4 encoded with H.264; Virtual Participants: animations are not possible in general)

  • Upload in time

    Please upload your presentation latest(!) 24h before your session via your Conftool account (details below)

  • Media Equipment provided

    Only the #IMC22 equipment (presenter laptop, microphone, camera(s)) can be used for your presentation (for virtual participants: laptop remotely controlled, microphone & camera from the user).
    No third party equipment (external laptops, iPads, pointers, …) allowed!

  • 16:9 Format

    Please use the 16:9 format for your presentations
    A specific #IMC22 PPTX template is available

  • File Size Limit 10MB

    The size of your presentation file is limited to 10mb.

  • Upload via Conftool

    Please use the Conftool System to upload your presentation. Click on “Your Submission”, then “Final Upload” (marked in yellow)

  • Name of file

    Please name your presentation this way (adjust the orange parts):
    >> imc22_SessionID_firstname_lastname_AbstractID (.pptx, .pdf)
    (example: imc22_FS01_Max_Mustermann_100.pdf)

Register for ARU meets #IMC


The International Mountain Conference (#IMC) series in Innsbruck, Austria, with its associated Student4Student Summer School (S4SSS) aims to connect mountain researchers from all over the world to discuss current issues on global and regional levels. The next #IMC is scheduled for September 14-18th 2025 and we would appreciate to again have researchers from Africa strongly represented at the conference. Therefore, we partner with the Afromontane Research Unit and will present details on #IMC and #S4SSS within a 1-hour online event in March 2024.

  • Event Name

    ARU meets #IMC

  • Date

    March, 14th 2024, 12:00 – 13:00 CET

  • Costs

    without any fees

  • Requirements

    To join the digital event, you need to login in my “My #IMC” to join our virtual meeting room. If possible, please use headphones to optimize the audio-quality.

Here you can register for the online event “ARU meets #IMC” on Thursday, March 14th 2024.

[contact-form-7 id=”a07aeec” title=”register_events_aru_meets_imc”]

Virtual sessions will open around 10 min before the session starts.

Recording (with external tools) and publishing virtual sessions is prohibited due to data privacy!

Local Time @ #IMC
  • Check room settings

    Find a quiet(!) place with good light conditions (light source please not in the back) and a homogeneous background

  • Prepare end device

    Prepare your end device (laptop, PC, smartphone, …) to operate it for longer time (plug in power cable, close intensive cpu consumpting software, …)

  • Check WLAN/Internet

    Locate a place where WLAN/internet connection is good and stable (connection by cable preferred)

  • Check compatibility

    BigBlueButton, the official streaming software of #IMC22, supports a wide range of browsers we can recommend (use always the latest version!):

    • FireFox
    • Chrome*
    • Edge
    • (limited) Safari*

    * PC and mobile versions

  • Check permissions

    Check if you set the permissions (in your browser and your OS) correct to allow sharing your webcam/microphone

    >> Support for Firefox
    >> Support for Chrome
    >> Support for Edge
    >> Support for Safari
    >> Support for Opera

  • Test Microphone / Headphone / Webcam

    Check your Microphone / Headphone / Webcam (especially for presenters).
    An external microphone is obligatory to prevent background noise from the device.

  • Presentation equipment provided

    All presenters will use the equipment provided by #IMC22 for oral presentations.
    Virtual participants can control their presentation remotely (only PDFs)!
    Presentations have to be uploaded via Conftool – Submission – Final Upload 24h(!) before scheduled.

  • Join the session in time

    Session will open ~5min before the scheduled start.
    Presenters should use this “pre-time” to enter the virtual room.

  • Need help?

    Please use the BigBlueButton: FAQ for detailed information
    Ask in the #IMC22 Forum to get help by others.
    We are sorry that we cannot offer technical support for BigBlueButton!

  • Check room settings

    Find a quiet(!) place with good light conditions (light source please not in the back) and a homogeneous background

  • Prepare end device

    Prepare your end device (laptop, PC, smartphone, …) to operate it for longer time (plug in power cable, close intensive cpu consumpting software, …)

  • Check WLAN/Internet

    Locate a place where WLAN/internet connection is good and stable (connection by cable preferred)

  • Check compatibility

    BigBlueButton, the official streaming software of #IMC22, supports a wide range of browsers we can recommend (use always the latest version!):

    • FireFox
    • Chrome*
    • Edge
    • (limited) Safari*

    * PC and mobile versions

  • Check permissions

    Check if you set the permissions (in your browser and your OS) correct to allow sharing your webcam/microphone

    >> Support for Firefox
    >> Support for Chrome
    >> Support for Edge
    >> Support for Safari
    >> Support for Opera

  • Test Microphone / Headphone / Webcam

    Check your Microphone / Headphone / Webcam (especially for presenters).
    An external microphone is obligatory to prevent background noise from the device.

  • Presentation equipment provided

    All presenters will use the equipment provided by #IMC22 for oral presentations.
    Virtual participants can control their presentation remotely (only PDFs)!
    Presentations have to be uploaded via Conftool – Submission – Final Upload 24h(!) before scheduled.

  • Join the session in time

    Session will open ~5min before the scheduled start.
    Presenters should use this “pre-time” to enter the virtual room.

  • Need help?

    Please use the BigBlueButton: FAQ for detailed information
    Ask in the #IMC22 Forum to get help by others.
    We are sorry that we cannot offer technical support for BigBlueButton!

Thursday, March 14 2024
ARU meets #IMC
CONGRESS: Summary and Conclusion

The session “Summary and Conclusion” will start in

[bigbluebutton token=z15737]

European Helpline

in case of any emergency

Call 112

  • still usable with locked smartphones and without sim card

Emergency Service

in case of healthy issues

Call 144

  • national Austrian service
  • needs an active smartphone

Police Service

in case of conflicts

Call 133

Fire Brigade

in case of fire

Call 122
