WS 3.103: Invigorating LACMONT: Latin American and Caribbean Mountain Research and Innovation Network
Fausto Sarmiento
Carla Marchant, Renato Chávez
WS 3.104: What new methods, concepts, and empirical innovation can help advance integrated future mountain research?
Tobias Luthe
Nick Pepin, Rob Marchant, Maria Shahgedanova, Ahmed Shams
WS 3.105: Nature-based transformations in mountains
Sandra Lavorel
Bruno Locatelli
WS 3.106: Tourism(s) in Mountain Huts: Climate Change, Tourism flows, Visitor Impacts, and Sustainable Management Solutions
Riccardo Beltramo
Philippe Bourdeau, Marc Langenbach, Jean Miczka, Sophie de Rosemont, Stefano Duglio
WS 3.107: Nature-based Solutions for mountain areas – Case studies, Projects and Reviews from Europe
Stefano Sala
Dario Pezzotti, Annamaria Giorgi, Gloria Coatti, Riccardo Panza, Matteo Vizzarri
WS 3.108: ACTRIS Austria Annual Meeting: Advancing Aerosol, Cloud, and Trace Gas Research in Mountainous Regions
Jochen Wagner
Elke Ludewig, Thomas Karl
WS 3.110: Transition processes of mountain resorts and tourism destinations: state of the art, levers and barriers. An international perspective
Emmanuelle George
Andrea Omizzolo, Philipp Corradini, Stefano Sala, Raffaella Balzarini
WS 3.111: Elevating mountains in the IPCC seventh assessment (AR7): addressing assessment-relevant knowledge needs
Carolina Adler
Christian Huggel, Simon Allen, Veruska Muccione
WS 3.112: Engaging with Gender Geography to contribute to mountain studies. Exploring gender power relations and inequalities in mountain areas through an inter
Fernando Ruiz Peyre
Léa Lamotte, Magdalena Moreno Ivanissevich
WS 3.113: Training the next generation of Mountain leaders: Sharing lessons learned for collaboration on Mountain Field Schools.
Chi Huyen (Shachi) Truong
Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Brian McAdoo, Brigitte Portner
WS 3.131: The future of interdisciplinary mountain research
Valerie Braun
Margreth Keiler, Annemarie Polderman
WS 3.114: Past, Present, and Future Challenges for Mountain Protected Areas
Valerie Braun
Stefanie Gubler, Ute Hasenöhrl
WS 3.115: Rise of pollutants in the cryosphere: interactions and ecological effects
Arianna Crosta
Sophia Mützel, Birgit Sattler, Marco Parolini
WS 3.116: Hands-on sediment transport modelling in mountain streams: using the D-CASCADE framework to simulate sediment dynamics at the stream-network scale
Diane Doolaeghe
Felix Pitscheider, Anne-Laure Argentin, Elisa Bozzolan, Ian Arburua Delaney
WS 3.117: Exploring opportunities and best practices to enhance integrated monitoring and effective associated policy interaction
James Thornton
Alex Massot, Irakli Megrelidze, Carolina Adler
WS 3.118: Innovative Approaches for Mountain Resilience: Bridging Practice, Science, and the Private Sector
Paola Fontanella Pisa
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Ansgar Fellendorf, Eleonora Musco, Susanne Wymann von Dach, Harald Egerer
WS 3.119: Solutions for adapting to climate change in mountains: an exchange of lessons learned and ways forward
Rosie Witton
Kate Williamson, Julia Josselyn Aguilera Rodriguez
WS 3.121: The science-policy interface for regional mountain governance
Raphaël Lelouvier
Luis Daniel Llambi, Ansgar Fellendorf, Janez Nared, Ahmed Shams
WS 3.122: Developing pathways to strengthen long-term socio-ecological research in mountain LTSER platforms
Nikolaus Schallhart
Veronika Gaube, Veronika Fontana, Georg Leitinger, Ulrike Tappeiner
WS 3.123: Geoengineering on Mountain glaciers: Benefits versus Risks
Birgit Sattler
Tom Battin, Sophia Mützel
WS 3.124: Embracing the Unexpected: Learning from Unsuccessful or Unpredictable Experiments in Mountain Science
Eole Valence
Michel Baraër, Bastien Charonnat, Jeffrey McKenzie, Lisa Michaud, Adam Tjoelker
WS 3.125: Andean/Runa Mountain Social-Ecological Futures: From Consultation to KoDesigners of Conservation.
Nkwi Flores
Belen Moya
WS 3.126: Networking workshop of the International Mountain Society and the scientific journal Mountain Research and Development
Theresa Tribaldos
Stefan Schneiderbauer, Ralph Clark, Sarah-Lan Mathez Stiefel, Susanne Wymann
WS 3.128: Knowledge management for sustainable use of biodiversity: Integrated studies on agrobiodiversity with respect to mountain biodiversity
Kalpana Chaudhari
Maria Cerreta
WS 3.129: Perspectives on Mountain Farming Resilience
Rike Stotten
Jamila Haider, Maria Lee Kernecker, Alessandra Piccoli
WS 3.101: Synthesizing knowledge about alpine-treeline ecotones in changing mountains
Maaike Bader
Klaus Katzensteiner, Johanna Toivonen, Nishtha Prakash, Peter Bebi, Lirey Ramirez
WS 3.102: Lesser Known Mountains (and their Hidden Aspects) under the Impact of Global Changes
Fausto Sarmiento
Neslihan Dal