
WS 3.131

The future of interdisciplinary mountain research

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  • Full Title

    WS 3.131: The future of interdisciplinary mountain research
  • Scheduled

  • Location

  • Convener

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Thematic Focus

    Others, Socio-Ecology, Sustainable Development
  • Keywords

    Interdisciplinary, mountain research, human-environment relations, research gap, interdisciplinary collaboration


The objective of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research is to gain new knowledge and promote sustainable transformations in mountain regions by focusing on the human–environment relations. It is therefore essential to gain an understanding of the ways in which natural and human factors interact in mountain social-ecological systems, taking into account the variability, diversity, change and complexity of natural processes and human activities within a defined system and scale in mountain areas. One of the key challenges in this field of research is the need to overcome disciplinary boundaries. This is further complicated by the lack of funding opportunities for interdisciplinary work and the disconnect between the scientific and societal targets and objectives that are required. In this session we would like to start a community discussion about current research gaps and future challenges in mountain research and about key aspects for a future research agenda to address these issues effectively. We invite short impulse talks that elaborate on research gaps and challenges in mountain research, interdisciplinary collaboration and approaches, best practices for inter- and transdisciplinary research for advancing mountain research. These impulse talks will form the basis for joint discussions on the challenges and possible ways forward in interdisciplinary mountain research.