
WS 3.121

The science-policy interface for regional mountain governance

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Due to their specific characteristics, mountain regions around the world face unique challenges from the effects of climate change and biodiversity. Many of the world’s major mountain ranges extend across multiple nations and are home to diverse cultures and language groups. However, the processes driving environmental challenges transcend borders. Addressing them therefore requires a cross-border approach and international cooperation that benefits both mountain ecosystems and their local populations, as well as downstream areas. Global frameworks already exist to exchange best practices for sustainable mountain governance and to strengthen the influence of mountain regions in international negotiations. Several mountain regions have also established regional governance mechanisms to promote cooperation across borders (ex: Alpine Convention, Carpathian Convention, Andean Mountain Initiative, ICIMOD). In these structures, science and research play a central role in helping understand the complex interactions of environmental impacts in mountain ecosystems, informing decision-making, and exchanging best practices. This workshop will include presentations by guest researchers and organisations active in regional and international mountain governance followed by an open discussion to review the current and future role of science in regional governance processes and to understand the research needs of decision makers.