WS 3.117
Opportunities and best practices to enhance integrated monitoring
Full Title
WS 3.117: Exploring opportunities and best practices to enhance integrated monitoring and effective associated policy interactionScheduled
Assigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
Monitoring, PolicyKeywords
Data and monitoring, Interdicplinary, Global, GEO Mountains
Building upon the associated GEO Mountains Focus Session, this open workshop will begin with a panel discussion (45 mins) amongst several global experts in holistic monitoring of mountain socio-ecological systems and associated outreach to practitioners and policy-makers. Questions to be addressed include the following: What organisational structures / networked approaches to long-term, holistic mountain monitoring have demonstrated success, and why? Are there any approaches which have conversely been more challenging to successfully implement, and why? To what extent can successful approaches be transferred beyond the regions / contexts in which they were developed? What strategies can researchers establish more effective links with practitioners and policy-makers? Participants will also have the possibility to pose questions to the panellists. Following the panel segment, a short (30 minutes) segment on knowledge transfer / capacity building will be provided. For example, selected recipients of GEO Mountains Small Grants will be invited to showcase their projects / applications, focusing in particular on their reproducibility and transferability to other regions. Finally, a segment of discussion (in Plenary or small groups, depending upon the number of participants) will enable further reflection / Q&A on the inputs provided from the panel / presenters. GEO Mountains will support the attendance of selected applicants – especially Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from developing mountain regions – who wish to present work in the GEO Mountains Focus Session as well attend and contribute to this workshop.