WS 3.110
Transition processes of mountain resorts and tourism destinations
Full Title
WS 3.110: Transition processes of mountain resorts and tourism destinations: state of the art, levers and barriers. An international perspectiveScheduled
Assigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
Adaptation, Policy, Sustainable Development, TourismKeywords
mountain resorts, mountain tourism destination, transition pathways, climate adaptation, transformative change
Currently, mountain resorts and tourism destinations are strongly challenged by global changes. Climate change, altering customer preferences and/or socio-economic dynamics of certain destinations have a strong impact on their operations, viability and profitability, making them increasingly vulnerable and representing oftentimes strong inflections in their existing model, especially in the absence of forward-looking references for territorial actors. In this context, and on the basis of some experiences/initiatives, the proposed workshop aims at discussing the ongoing transition experiences of mountain resorts and destinations, in particular those worked within the framework of the ongoing Interreg Alpine Space projects “BeyondSnow” and “TranStat”: which transitions, radical or more incremental? Planned or bottom-up transition? Tourism or territorial transition? Public-led or participatory transition? What approaches and experiments are currently undertaken?