WS 3.105

Nature-based transformation

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  • Full Title

    WS 3.105: Nature-based transformations in mountains
  • Scheduled

  • Co-Conveners

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Thematic Focus

    Adaptation, Ecosystems, Socio-Ecology, Sustainable Development
  • Keywords

    climate adaptation, nature-based solutions, scaling up, governance, human-nature relationships


The potential for nature-based transformation is recognised as essential for adaptation to climate change and sustainable futures. Yet, beyond generic principles and a rapidly increasing number of place-based case studies, we don’t have a structured, evidence-based understanding of how people can activate nature’s potential for transformation. The synthesis of place-based cases of nature-based transformation indicates that: (1) Nature-based transformative adaptation must not only change relations between people and nature but also relations among people in order to harness the potential of biodiversity for adaptation; and (2) There are simple, practical ways to make adaptation initiatives more effective and enable social learning. These include being explicit about how changes to the decision context can occur and holding discussions about shaping and adapting what is, should, could and can be. For this workshop, we invite presentations on case studies of existing initiatives and networks to explore mechanisms for scaling nature-based transformation across locations (scaling out), into institutions and policy (scaling up) and into social values (scaling deep). We will interrogate regionally-relevant processes of networking for collective knowledge generation, implementation and effective governance in mountain regions. Case studies presented in this workshop and others from the Transformation Adaptation Research Alliance (TARA) f will contribute to knowledge and data synthesis for generating policy- and decision-relevant conclusions.

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