
FS 3.225

Novel techniques and methodologies in Mountain Archaeology

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High-altitude terrain is found on each continent on planet Earth and ranges from extreme high-altitude settings such as the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen in Central Asia to comparably gentle alpine landscapes such as the Snowy Mountains of Australia. Unraveling the occupation history of alpine landscapes and the changing relationship between people and mountains through time has been a long-standing researcher goal in (Mountain) Archaeology and typically requires the orchestration of multiple scientific disciplines and the application of a broad variety of field methods and analytical techniques. With this session we aim at bringing together novel and state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies that allow us to gain new insights and a deeper understating of the human use of mountain landscapes. Contributions from all disciplines and research areas are welcome, including (but not limited to) remote sensing and archaeological prospection, ancient genomics, ZooMS and isotopic techniques, travel and land use modelling, provenance analysis, geochronological dating techniques, paleoenvironmental reconstruction and excavation methodologies. Because a research field often leaps forward with the invention of a new technique or because of a methodological breakthrough, we encourage method contributions summarizing the state-of-the-art of the field and emphasizing the latest developments and their application potential in Mountain Archaeology, rather than reports of single case studies.