FS 3.198
Working Conditions of Seasonal Workers on Alpine and Mountain Farms
Full Title
FS 3.198: Working Conditions of Seasonal Workers on Alpine and Mountain FarmsScheduled
Assigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
Adaptation, Agriculture, Socio-Ecology, Sustainable DevelopmentKeywords
Seasonal work, working conditions, alpine farming, mountain farming
Alpine and mountain farms are exposed to various challenges such as climate change, water scarcity or the impact of large predators. To mitigate these pressures, seasonal workers need in-depth knowledge and a broad skillset to ensure professional herd, water and pasture management – some of which is beginning to rely on new technologies. In addition, skilled and loyal employees are essential for the economic stability of those farms, as they ensure both greater work efficiency and higher product quality. However, these workers are in short supply. One reason are their difficult working conditions: Conflicts with employers and colleagues, hard and long working hours, difficult living conditions and low wages. In addition to these farm challenges, seasonal workers often experience difficulties with the long-term integration of their alpine farm employment into the general life situation. As a result, some workers do not return to mountain farms on a regular basis or at all, despite their desire to do so and the agricultural sector’s need for long-term and qualified staff. This session’s aim is two fold:
- First, we want to discuss the practical challenges and solutions for seasonal workers on alpine and mountain farms in different regions based on empirical studies.
- Secondly, we want to exchange theoretical approaches to research on the working conditions of seasonal workers on alpine and mountain farms.