FS 3.173
Visions and conflicts in socio-ecological transformation in mountain territories
Full Title
FS 3.173: Competiting visions of socio-ecological transformations in mountain territories : analyzing the role of conflictsScheduled
Assigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
Equality, Policy, Socio-EcologyKeywords
territory, socio-ecological transformation, visions, conflicts, transdisciplinarity
Territorial dynamics going along with socio-ecological transformation processes are often caused by the lack of shared visions concerning the present and desired future. The co-existence of antagonistic visions and narratives even leads to conflicts among the population when facing situations of crisis. This session aims to examine the role of the multiple visions, imaginaries and underlying conflicts in shaping socio-ecological transformations in mountain territories. It raises the following questions: -How do ongoing territorial dynamics inform about cooperation or confrontation among different social groups in socio-ecological transformations? -What role do confronting visions and conflicts play in socio-ecological transformations? -Which practices and conventions are subject to negotiations in such conflicts and which remain unquestioned? -How to take into account and overcome existing power relations ? -What role play ideas of democracy, justice and inclusiveness in these conflicts and visions?
The session also aims to explore the field research methods, that allow researchers to grasp such dynamics and to accompany socio-ecological transformations. We are particularly interested in sharing experiences in terms of transdisciplinary, participative research and reflexive assessment and would like to discuss on:
- How do we include the diversity of visions in territorial transformations in our research designs?
- How to ensure an horizontal, participative, just, inclusive dialogue among actors?
- What potential do transdisciplinary approaches provide to co-create a shared vision and work collectively towards it?
- What should be the posture(s) of researchers?