FS 3.140
Indigenous and Local Knowledge for Mountain Resilience and Adaptation
Full Title
FS 3.140: Harnessing Indigenous and Local Knowledge for Resilience: Community-Based Strategies in Mountainous Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate AdaptationScheduled
Assigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
Adaptation, Equality, Hazards, Policy, Socio-EcologyKeywords
Indigenous local knowledge, Resilience, Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management, Participatory approaches
In hazard-prone mountain regions, there is an increasing recognition that Indigenous and local knowledge plays a crucial role in effective disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA), forming a cornerstone of community resilience. Mountain communities, often living in high-risk landscapes shaped by steep terrains and extreme weather, have developed intricate understandings of their environment. This knowledge, rooted in centuries of living with harsh climatic conditions, is the result of social, cultural, spiritual, political, and economic spheres, shaping community norms and land management practices throughout generations. However, despite growing recognition of the value of community-derived knowledge, systematic methods to effectively capture, integrate, and operationalize this knowledge within formal DRR and CCA frameworks remain underdeveloped. This session welcomes presentations on innovative, participatory approaches aimed at establishing conditions that foster dialogue between diverse actors, enabling the co-production of place-based and context-sensitive DRR and CCA strategies. By presenting examples from diverse mountain regions, we will explore how knowledge, practices, environmental cues, and community-driven adaptation actions can inform broader policy and scientific efforts. Participants will gain insights into the challenges and successes of integrating scientific and Indigenous and local knowledge systems to strengthen resilience, ultimately fostering sustainable, locally grounded DRR and CCA solutions for mountain communities.