FS 3.130
Andean Climate Change
Full Title
FS 3.130: Andean Climate Change: Observation, Research & DiscoveryScheduled
Assigned to Synthesis Workshop
---Thematic Focus
Atmosphere, Cryo- & Hydrosphere, Multi-scale Modeling, Policy, Water ResourcesKeywords
Andes, climate change, water resources, extreme events, cryosphere
The Andes mountains provide critical freshwater resources to downstream communities, yet they are also particularly vulnerable to climate change and deemed a “high risk” region for social-environmental systems due to increasing drought and projected future water scarcity. Rapid glacier retreat and reduced seasonal snowpack threaten water supply for domestic use, agriculture, mining, hydropower production and biodiversity. The increased frequency and intensity of extreme events, such as strong storms or long-lasting droughts, further add to increasing and cascading risks. In many parts of the Andes, the current level of adaptation is inadequate to withstand this challenge, as resources, institutional capacities, political stability and scientific understanding are insufficient to support timely action. The lack of a high-quality observational climate database or useful projections of future climate scenarios, in particular, are major roadblocks that in many cases prevent implementing proper adaptation measures in the region. This session aims to bring together scientists working in the many areas of climate change detection, attribution and adaptation in the Andes, to foster dialogue and share experiences and expertise. The session welcomes studies based on theory, observations, modeling, downscaling, climate reconstructions and other methods. Presentations of new datasets, multidisciplinary approaches, novel methodological advances, or policy- and education-based aspects and outreach components are equally welcome.