FS 2.165
Species trait changes under global environmental change
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Full Title
FS 2.165: Species trait changes under global environmental changeScheduled
Sylvia Haider, Anne Kempel, Sonja Wipf, Michael Bahn, Christian RixenAssigned to Synthesis Workshop
Thematic Focus
trait change, functional trait, phenology, intraspecific variation, global change
Functional traits represent fundamental aspects of a species’ ecological strategy and fitness, and are often related to a species’ response to changing environmental conditions. Many plant functional traits are directly related to ecosystem functions such as primary productivity and carbon storage. In addition, trait changes in animals can have large consequences for plant diversity and the global nitrogen and carbon cycle, via effects on pollination, herbivory or decomposition. Thus, adopting a trait-based perspective of community change allows us not only to predict which species will respond positively or negatively to climate warming, but also the consequences of these responses for the rest of the ecosystem. This session will explore the relationship between plant and animal traits and phenology and the environment across space and over time, both above and below the soil’s surface, and including both intra- and interspecific trait variation.