
About Shawn Marshall is a Professor at the University of Calgary Department of Geography. Marshall’s research interests include glacier dynamics, cryosphere-climate processes, paleoclimatology, and mountain meteorology. Shawn MarshallProfessor of Geography…
Nonlinear Processes Accelerating Glacier Response to climate change
About Nick Pepin is a climate scientist at the School of the Environment, Geography & Geosciences at the University of Portsmouth. His research interests are focusing on climatic changes in…
Enhanced environmental changes in mountain regions
In 1815 Tambora, a volcano in a small Indonesian island just east of Java, violently erupted killing untold numbers and incinerating villages and crops. This eruption, which historian Gillen D’Arcy…
After The Ashfall: What Ancient Environmental Disasters Can Tell Us About The Human Attachments To The Landscape
About Jorge Recharte, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Instituto de Montaña and is based in Lima, Peru. He has taken full advantage of the dramatically visible consequences of…
Communities at the Top: transformative processes in the context of crisis in mountain regions.
Mountain systems are gradually becoming more vulnerable to both globalization processes and climate change. The urgency to respond to these changes as well as recent disruptive events have highlighted the…
Turning climate change threats into opportunities
About Karen Sudmeier-RieuxSenior Researcher @ TH Koeln- Cologne University of Applied SciencesKeynote Details Full TitleImplementing the Sendai Framework in Mountains:  a slippery slope in need of roots in Science Place of…
Implementing the Sendai Framework in Mountains
Belowground microbial communities play a prominent role in alpine ecosystems, regulating major biogeochemical cycles and the supply of growth-limiting nutrients to plants. This talk will consider some recent advances in…
Belowground microbial responses to global change in alpine ecosystems
Mountain areas face the contradictory forces of marginalisation, commodification, conservation, rewilding, ‘green’ industrialisation, and bioeconomy developments. The remaining high nature value farming systems of these areas enabling high quality food…
Pressures, opportunities and benefit sharing in mountain landscapes and communities