Why being part of #IMC25

Be part, be in the mountains, it’s your #IMC25

Some colleagues already got in touch with us about topics or events they would like to see as part of our next #IMC. In case you have any questions, ideas etc., please get in touch with us via contact form (attention: we do not use KI for responding to your messages ;-))

  • Already now #IMC offers a variety of event formats to present new research, to discuss about details in workshop-like settings or to synthesize knowledge. At the venue, supported by artists, we will again prepare an inspiring and comfortable atmosphere for personal exchange between and after the scientific events.
  • To well integrate early career researcher no matter from where they come from, the next student for student summer school will take place the week before the conference with the option to apply for travel support for attending both the summer school and the conference.
  • Side events organized by our partners will make traveling to Innsbruck more beneficial and sustainable.