Logo & Color Coding
The logo of the #IMC and #S4SSS is licensed and use is restricted to the purpose of the promotion of the #IMC and #S4SSS.
Color | Pantone | CMYK | RGB | Hex | RAL |
blue | Pantone 289 U Pantone 289 C |
100% cyan 60% magenta 56% black |
0/51/97 | #003361 | RAL 5011 steel-blue |
orange | Pantone 144 U Pantone 144 C |
50% magenta 100% yellow |
243/146/0 | #f39200 | RAL 2011 deep-orange |

Download PNG & SVG
Click with your right mouse button on the preferred logo and select “Save image …” to download PNG or SVG.
If you want to use the Conference wording in your press release, poster, presentation … please use just following formats:
- International Mountain Conference
- International Mountain Conference 2025
- #IMC, #IMC25
If you want to use the Summerschool wording in your press release, poster, presentation … please use just following formats:
- Student4Student Summerschool
- Student4Student Summerschool 2025
- #S4SSS, #s4sss25
Promo Material
Name of Document | Download Link | Document Version | Release Date | Last Updated | License |
#IMC25 Teaser Session submission | Link | 1.0.0 | 2024-10-16 | --- | (c) - #IMC |
Press Releases
Name of Document | Download Link | Document Version | Release Date | Last Updated | License |
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |