Assigned Session: FS 3.232: Highland–lowland connections and interactions
Parallels and Contrasts of Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Hunter and Migratory Game Transhumance in the U.S. Rocky Mountains, French Pyrenees, and Polish Carpathians
Abstract ID: 3.8909 | Reviewing | Talk/Oral | TBA | TBA
Robert Brunswig (0)
Robert Brunswig ((0) University of Northern Colorado, 1700 Montview Blvd, 80631, GREELEY, CO, US)
(0) University of Northern Colorado, 1700 Montview Blvd, 80631, GREELEY, CO, US
Two European and one American mountain regions, the French Spanish Pyrenees, Poland’s Carpathian Tatras, and the U.S. Southern Rocky Mountains, have been subjected to decades of complementary Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene archaeological and paleoenvironmental studies. Comparative modeling of the three regions’ cultural and environment-climatic histories, including that of the author and his research colleagues in the Colorado Rockies, have documented analogous Late Ice Age through early Holocene hunter-gatherer subsistence systems, specifically adapted to seasonal highland-lowland transhumance of migratory game species. Although each of the regions exhibit distinct traits and behaviors related to localized variations in paleoclimate, paleoecology, geomorphology, and technology, overall montane-based subsistence strategies reflect many common approaches to acquiring game resources at the end of and beyond the Late Pleistocene into the Early Holocene.
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