Does the sea of clouds play for the mountain tourism? – worldwide survey –
Abstract ID: 3.8044 | Reviewing | Poster | TBA | TBA
Kenichi Ueno (0)
Kenichi Ueno ((0) University of Tsukuba, Teno-dai 1-1-1, 3058572, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JP)
(0) University of Tsukuba, Teno-dai 1-1-1, 3058572, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JP
Local mountain tourism seeks unique landscape to invite visitors. Sea of clouds (SOCs) is one of the meteorological landscape promoting instagenic spots and inbound marketing for local mountain society in Japan. Due to the global warming, sky resort areas started green season operation where the SOCs is one of the business targets. Demand of SOCs forecasts is increasing where machine learning will play a key function. Some web-sites also demonstrate the SOCs forecast to advertise their business together. Besides, the SOCs are not categorized as an academic cloud type, and few papers are dealing with the SOCs in mountain meteorology although the low-level clouds strongly control the morning weather, life style and agriculture in the valley where we live. Many web-site explain the SOCs as low-level clouds/fog formation without the explanation of geographical/synoptic condition for the observer that makes large gaps to the social recognition. Poster session conducts a worldwide survey of the IMC participants abo
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