
FS 3.235

Mountain Precipitation in a Changing Climate/Mountain Precipitation Change

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FS 3.233: Precipitation Changes in Mountainous Hydroclimates
FS 3.142: Mountain Precipitation in a Changing Climate: Processes, Feedbacks, and Implications


  • Full Title

    FS 3.235: Mountain Precipitation and Hydroclimate in a Changing Climate: Processes, Feedbacks, and Implications
  • Scheduled

  • Location

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Thematic Focus

    Adaptation, Atmosphere, Cryo- & Hydrosphere, Monitoring, Water Cycle, Water Resources
  • Keywords

    Precipitation, Hydrology, Adaptation, Observations, Modeling


Mountain precipitation has undergone significant changes in recent decades and is projected to continue evolving in the future due to climate change. As a critical component of the hydrological cycle, mountain precipitation serves as a primary source of freshwater for ecosystems, rivers, agriculture and downstream communities. The biggest uncertainties in climate modeling are still related to precipitation. In mountainous environments precipitation in particular, is suffering from a lack of observations, especially in high altitudes. That, combined with spatio-temporal variability due to topography that affects the total amount, intensity and type of precipitation makes for a challenging but essential problem to address. We invite submissions on mountain precipitation, including observation strategies, climate projections, feedback mechanisms, and socio-economic impacts. Topics of interest include AI/ML, remote sensing, citizen science, and case studies of extreme events. We also welcome discussions on model advancements, validation against observations, and interdisciplinary approaches to improving resilience in mountain regions and in the very vulnerable downstream ecosystems, communities and their economies.