This research evaluates the effects of nature-based-solutions on streamflow under climate change scenarios in northern Spain, focusing on land management strategies to improve water resources
Springshed Management: An Analysis of Identified Springs at Khirsu and Pauri Block of Pauri Garhwal
The Indian Himalayan region, home to approximately 50 million people, relies heavily on diverse water sources, particularly springs, for its water supply.
Rain-on-snow (ROS) in the Southern Alps of New Zealand: Observations, characteristics and forecasting
This study analyses rain-on-snow events in New Zealand’s Southern Alps, their seasonal characteristics, and forecasting implications for improved river flow predictions and alpine hazard assessments.
Sustainable Energy in the Alps: Micro-Hydroelectric Systems and Cooperative Water Management
Micro-hydroelectric systems (≤20 kW, ≤50 l/sec) can provide sustainable energy for Alpine communities. The study examines feasibility, ecological impact and cooperative management in a changing climat
Precipitation and a Central Asian HydroClimate Research Project under the GEWEX Umbrella
Regional Hydroclimate Projects are addressing the observation, modeling and prediction of precipitation in mountainous regions.
Energy transitions and their impacts in mountain areas (Harz Mountains, Germany)
The study aims to show how energy demands have changed the mountain landscape over time and what can be learned from the past for future action.
The footprint of Climate and land-use changes on Iranian mountainous area
climate change, land-use change and vulnerability, Iran
Between Leaving and Staying: Climate-Driven Migration and Livelihood Transformations in Uttarakhand’s Fragile Mountain Landscapes
Climate change in Uttarakhand worsens environmental and agricultural challenges, causing gender-related migration. Inclusive policies help communities relocate or stay.
Assessing Water Scarcity Risks in Socio-Ecological-Technological Systems: A Case Study of the Greater Asmara Area Water Supply System
Using a socio-ecological-technological systems lens, we combine the “Impact Chain” method with hydrological modelling, revealing climate change impacts on infrastructure, ecosystems, and water access.
25 Years of Lake Evolution and Sediment Dynamics in a Proglacial Environment: The Case of Sulzsee, Obersulzbach Valley, Austrian Alps
Glacier-fed lakes in proglacial environments offer insights into sediment dynamics and climate adaptation. Lake Sulzsee shows significant patterns of sedimentation influenced delayed ice melt.