The CAB is an Argentine mountaineering and winter sports club. This paper provides a historical assessment of gender dynamics and mountaineering subjectivities in the CAB’s digital archive (1931-2011)
How are scientific knowledge and risk management of glacial and periglacial processes influenced by Alpine catastrophic events ?
An Alpine-scale database on major mass movements of glacial and periglacial origin that have required advanced scientific knowledge and/or risk management.
Quantifying surface runoff in Alpine catchments from historical forest use data on the basis of an expert system
In order to understand runoff processes in the past, historical sources providing land use information have been converted into a form that can be used for hydrological modelling.
The Jbala Region in Morocco:
Towards an interdisciplinary understanding of oral history of Jebli people in Morocco.
The Mountains Travel: Stations of Migrant Territorialities.
This artistic research looks for ways to ethically re-relating with the mountains and acknowledging their interactions with us, particularly as migrant territories.
“The Lost Mountain Heritage: Investigating a Century of Environmental Stewardship in Mountaineer’s Narratives through Visual and Archival Ethnography- Focusing on Abbot Pass Hut (1922-2022)”
In our study, after investigating a century of narratives, we debate why there is a lack of climate awareness among modern mountaineers.
Implementation of Agenda 2030 in the Eastern Mountains of Galicia, Spain: an opportunity for rural development
Mountains are “biodiversity hotspots”, although they also have very fragile ecosystems. From our viewpoint, the implementation of Agenda 2030 will be an opportunity for mountain rural development.