We showcase the deglaciating Negro river catchment in Peru to disentangle the complex interactions between glacier retreat and changes in water quality in the context of long-term human health.
Snow-eater heatwaves of western North America
Snow-eater heatwaves have been less studied than rain-on-snow events, yet have the potential to increase in area, duration, frequency, and/or intensity in a rapidly changing climate.
Inferring precipitation information from multi-year aerial snow depth observations to improve input quality to a snow energy balance model
This work evaluates using snow distribution maps to inform precipitation input of a spatially distributed snow energy balance model to improve simulated snow depth across snow seasons.
Using digital technologies for the International Year of Glacier’s Preservation: The Glaciar app.
We are currently developing an app for the International Year of Glacier’s Preservation, that focuses on a citizen science approach to monitoring of climate change in glaciers and mountain areas.
Introducing Sentinel-1 SAR wet snow maps for glaciohydrological model calibration in the Himalaya-Karakoram
Present study demonstrates the use of Sentinel-1 SAR wet snow maps for calibrating the glaciohydrological model parameters for improving runoff estimates in data-scarce glacierized catchments.
Glacier Retreat and Snowfall-to-Rainfall Shifts Reshape Groundwater and Streamflow Dynamics in the Langtang Himalaya
We integrate a cryosphere-surface hydrology model with numerical groundwater simulations of the Langtang basin to explore how the hydrological system will shift in the upcoming decades.
Impacts of Climate Change and Local Topography on the Glaciers of the High-Altitude Cold Desert of Lahaul In the Western Himalayas, India
The rising temperature and changing precipitation patterns in the Western Himalayas are causing drastic changes in the cryosphere. It also affects the water security of millions of people.
Strongly Heterogeneous Surface-Water Warming Trends in High Mountain Asia
Surface water is rapidly warming across High Mountain Asia
Advancing snow representation and regional water budget estimation in complex terrains within the Community Earth System Model
We aim to improve accuracy of terrestrial energy and water budget estimates and hydroclimatic assessments in the Community Terrestrial Systems Model by accounting for terrain characteristics.
How do Mediterranean snow droughts impact mountain socio-ecohydrology?
Using 13 years of data from over 30 Italian headwater catchments, this study reveals that snow droughts profoundly affect mountain socio-ecological systems, with cascading impacts extending downstream