Registration & Fees



To register for S4SSS, please click here.

Important: If you want to register for S4SSS and IMC2022 and benefit from the strongly reduced fee for IMC2022, you have to first register for S4SSS and afterwards for IMC2022. Please be aware that you have to generate user accounts for both events (in other words: Your login-data are not automatically working at



Important: All fees for on-site participation include accommodation in the University Center Obergurgl (Monday to Thursday)/Innsbruck (Thursday to Friday) and food (breakfast, lunch package and dinner). Transport (bus, cable car) and the S4SSS “local-food-dinner” are also included. Accommodation in Innsbruck before/after the S4SSS is not included but there is a contingent of affordable rooms reserved.

Travel grants are available for PhD students from low and lower middle income countries that plan to attend both #S4SSS and #IMC2022.

[ultimate_pricing design_style=”design02″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#00614c” color_txt_main=”#ffffff” color_bg_highlight=”#f39200″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”S4SSS” package_price=”€420 | €470″ package_unit=”Early Bird | Regular” package_btn_text=”Registration Closed” package_link=”title:Register%20Now” min_ht=”50″ price_font_size=”desktop:24px;” subheading_font_size=”desktop:10px;”]Onsite Participant @ S4SSS[/ultimate_pricing]
[ultimate_pricing design_style=”design02″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#00614c” color_txt_main=”#ffffff” color_bg_highlight=”#f39200″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”S4SSS & IMC” package_price=”€570 | €620″ package_unit=”Early Bird | Regular” package_btn_text=”Registration Closed” package_link=”title:Register%20Now|target:_blank|rel:nofollow” min_ht=”50″ price_font_size=”desktop:24px;” subheading_font_size=”desktop:10px;”]Onsite Participant @ IMC2022 & S4SSS[/ultimate_pricing]
[ultimate_pricing design_style=”design02″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#00614c” color_txt_main=”#ffffff” color_bg_highlight=”#f39200″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”Virtual” package_price=”- 40%” package_unit=”Travel-Restrictions” package_btn_text=”Registration Closed” package_link=”title:Register%20Now|target:_blank|rel:nofollow” min_ht=”50″ price_font_size=”desktop:24px;” subheading_font_size=”desktop:10px;”]Valid for registered participants in case of short-term travel restrictions. 40% of paid fees will be refunded.[/ultimate_pricing]