How to confront incomplete and/or inaccurate landslide inventories


[info_list icon_bg_color=”#00614c” icon_color=”#ffffff” font_size_icon=”24″ eg_br_width=”1″ connector_color=”#003361″][info_list_item list_title=”Full Title” list_icon=”Defaults-text-width”]How to confrontincomplete and/or inaccurate landslide inventories[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Suggested by” list_icon=”Defaults-group users”]Lotte de Vugt[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”The respective workshop calls for contributions regarding …” list_icon=”Defaults-slideshare”]
  • What problems and assumptions should you be aware of when working with inventory data?
  • How do you determine if your inventory is complete enough to be statistically representative?
  • How does one deal with positional inaccuracies in GIS-based inventories?
  • How do you link a trigger to a landslide event when the temporal resolution of the inventory is too low?
  • How can missing information be derived from other datasets, e.g. satellite image analysis or multi-temporal DEM analysis?
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Keywords” list_icon=”Defaults-key”]Landslide inventories, natural hazards, satellite image analysis[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Type” list_icon=”Defaults-wechat weixin”]Workshop[/info_list_item][/info_list]


In landslide hazard research, the compilation of a landslide inventory is the first, and arguably the most important, step. Without a high-quality inventory in terms of its accuracy and representativeness, in the spatial and temporal domains and its semantic classification, it is impossible to create an accurate landslide susceptibility or hazard map. However, in landslide research these “perfect” inventories are almost never available. Instead, the research either has to include a landslide inventory acquisition, which is very time and money consuming, or broad assumptions have to be made about the inventory used which leads to misrepresentation in the resulting hazard or susceptibility maps.


During this workshop, we’ll discuss the problems that arise when working with landslide inventory data and what methods and approaches can be used to overcome these problems. The participants will be asked to share their experience and what solutions they found (or didn’t). This will be done in a round of short presentations (3-5min each), followed by an open discussion on the various problems and solutions. Both (pre-)historic and recent landslides that are shallow or deep-seated will be covered.

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