Focus Group: Mountain Biology

Thematic Frame

Mountain ecosystems are characterised by rich biodiversity and endemism with large environmental gradients on small spatial scales. Analyzing these gradients in mountain regions offers a great opportunity to understand wide-ranging changes since mountain ecosystems are particularly affected by ongoing global change. Life forms, ranging from microscopic organisms to highly developed members of flora and fauna, are faced with new environmental conditions. Therefore, mountain regions can serve as outdoor laboratories to deduce impacts onto a broader ecological context.

Here, we elaborate impacts of global change on mountain ecosystems to reveal a coherent picture of ongoing change and future challenges. Our focus group will host various workshops on particular topics, where we will gain detailed insights into the inter-relationship between the biosphere and the other components of the climate system. Additionally, a joint field excursion exploring the mountains around the alpine village Obergurgl will provide a hands-on experience for participating students, also offering the unique opportunity to get to know some scientific devices in the field. During this excursion, we will study global change impacts at different scales and ecosystems from different scientific perspectives.

We specifically focus on promising methods, experiments and actions. An innovative, pioneering, productive and exciting scientific adventure awaits.

Recommended to all …

Global Change Drivers

… interested in discussing responsible drivers for biological challenges and changes in mountain regions

Mountain Ecosystems

…as the core aspect around which everything revolves

Species Responses (to environmental change)

…with a strong focus on analyzing responses, vulnerabilities and resilience of alpine flora

Sessions, Workshops & Excursions

Monitoring Biosphere-Atmosphere interactions


Who’s the hottest, who’s the coolest? Plant responses to global change in mountain ecosystems


Biological diversity at the micro-levels


Environmental Degradation and Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Ecosystems


Global change and alpine habitats: disentangling potential drivers

Mountain Atmosphere
Natural Hazards