Modes of Participation @ #S4SSS

Face-2-Face interaction among Peers

In-person communications among students is a central part of the Student for Student format. To support this form of exchange, travel grants will be provided to PhD students with little/no funding sources (focus will be on students from least developed countries).

This is still dynamic content based on discussions in- and outside of the #IMC & #S4SSS Committees. Therefore, we ask for your understanding that the content may be modified throughout the coming months.

[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design02″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#e5e5e5″ color_txt_main=”#00614c” color_bg_highlight=”#f39200″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”On-site Participant” package_sub_heading=”Physically present @ S4SSS” sub_heading_tag=”div” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-street-view” icon_color=”#00614c”]
  • Standard option
  • Physical participation in sessions and events
  • === Included services ===
    Accommodation (incl. full board) @ Obergurgl
    Tickets for first/final day @ Obergurgl