ID85: Alpine Drought Monitoring


  • Full Title

    Alpine Drought Monitoring: Final Results from the Interreg Alpine Space Alpine Drought Observatory Project

  • Scheduled

    Wednesday, 2022-09-14

  • Convener

    Alexander Jacob

  • Co-Conveners

    Kerstin Stahl

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Keywords

    Drought, Monitoring, Impacts, Risks, Data Portal


This plenary session will inform about the latest developments in regional drought monitoring in mountainous regions, by showing examples from the experiences of the implementation of the Alpine Drought Observatory. It will introduce a wide array of drought indicators that have been derived from climate and in-situ data as well as earth observation satellites. Further discussion will show the importance not only of the drought indicators but the impacts of droughts and related natural and economic risks. Of course all this wealth of accumulated information and knowledge only has value if it is shared, which leads to the presentation of the ADO online portal with its visualization tools and open data portal. The ADO data portal came online just in time to produce results on the current 2022 Drought, which will be presented by looking at the exceptional low snowfall during the winter of 21/22. Finally the regional initiative is put into context of the wider European scale introducing the network of European Drought Observatories to foster further trans regional cooperation and data exchange.

Registered Abstracts

7. Future mountains with low-to-no snow and ice