ID66: Supporting regional scientific mountain networks – role of EU policy


  • Full Title

    Supporting cooperation within and among regional scientific mountain networks  –  does EU policy play a role?

  • Scheduled

    Monday, 2022-09-12
    18:30 - 20:00

  • Co-Conveners

    Anea Schmidlin, Nina Shatberashvili, Joanna Zawiesjska, Leopold Füreder and Olliver Reisner

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop


  • Keywords

    Regional network, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, EU policy


Scientific collaboration on European mountain regions has led to the formation of networks, focused on the Alpine, Carpathian and Caucasus regions (ISCAR, S4C, SNC-mt). These networks play an important role in research that should also provide input for evidence-based policy formulation, decision making and measuring the impacts of policy implementation. The challenge is facilitating regional collaboration and rendering links between science, policy and planning more effective, to capitalize on the potential for joint learning within and across mountain regions. In 2021 S4C and SNC-mt signed an MoU to strengthen cross-regional collaboration. In the session we will discuss challenges and experiences of inter- and transregional learning, exchange, active role in policy formulation – considering how EU policies and funding schemes could support these networks, including via an interregional approach. How could the EU's Green Deal, cohesion policy and rural development programmes support the role of regional networks in sustainable development of mountain regions inside & outside the EU?


Preliminary Program

Moderator: Oliver Reisner

  • Welcome and introduction of the Session's objectives (5')
  • Introduction of the Panelists, representing:
    • ISCAR (Leopold Füreder)
    • S4C (Mariana Melnykovych or Tamara Mitrofanenko, TBC)
    • SNC-mt (Nina Shatberashvili)
    • MountMed Institute (Thomas Dax)
    • NEMOR (Bernat Claramunt)
  • Brief Introductory points by each Network representatives, highlighting main challenges (30' about 5-7' each)
  • Moderated discussion between panelists, with inputs and questions from the audience (45')

Registered Abstracts

ID67: Sustainability of mountain social-ecological systems across Africa
ID65: Species trait changes under global environmental change