ID54: Recent Advancements in Canadian Mountain Research


  • Full Title

    Recent Advancements in Canadian Mountain Research: Insights from Research Partnerships that Draw on Indigenous and Western Ways of Knowing

  • Scheduled

    Wednesday, 2022-09-14

  • Co-Conveners

    Shawn Marshall

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop


  • Keywords

    Canada, research, knowledge co-creation, Indigenous Peoples, transdisciplinarity, transformation


Canada – the 4th most mountainous country by area – has a long history of mountain-focused research. However, until recently such work was largely constrained to disciplinary silos and carried out without the respectful inclusion of Indigenous knowledges. However, this has begun to change in Canada, where there is a growing focus on supporting research that brings together Indigenous and Western ways of knowing to enhance understanding of mountain systems. This session aims to highlight recent research and knowledge co-creation activities that have operationalized this ideal, with a focus on profiling novel insights that have emerged from these collaborative research activities. In addition, the session will examine how these models for transformative transdisciplinary research can inform research activities with local communities and Indigenous Peoples in other mountain regions.


Intro (5 minutes)

Presentations (max. 12 minutes)

Q&A (20 minutes)

Wrap up (5 minutes)

Registered Abstracts

ID56: Safeguarding open spaces in the Alps
ID53: Policy-relevant mountain biodiversity monitoring