ID80: Working conditions and attractiveness of agricultural jobs, what future for youth in mountain areas?



  • Full Title

    Working conditions and attractiveness of agricultural jobs in mountain areas: what future for work in agriculture?

  • Scheduled

    Tuesday, 2022-09-13
    13:30 - 15:00

  • Co-Conveners

    Benoît Dedieu and Claire Morgan-Davies

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

    6. Mountain food regimes, global challenges and local answers


  • Keywords

    Work, agriculture, mountains, working conditions, attractiveness


Working conditions in mountain farms are often considered as difficult, with workload, drudgery and low incomes. Households are often multiactive, combining on and off-farms activities, and have to manage seasonal peaks. Specific working activities such as shepherding in transhumance systems require specific skills and know-how to face climate uncertainties and dangers for the herds. Rewilding of lands and controversies with ecologists also question the sense of work for agricultural jobs. As a result, the renewal of generations of mountain farmers is seldom assured, the young generations preferring to look for less demanding jobs, and socially neutral positions. We welcome methodological debates, case studies and data analysis, dealing with this multidisciplinary topic, allowing for different perspectives to analyse working conditions and attractiveness of agricultural jobs: in and off farm articulations, gender issues, new models of farming and work organization, evolution of  skills, health at work, professional identities and the impact of innovations (notably digital) on work.

Registered Abstracts

ID25: Gravitational mass flow simulations for avalanches
ID77: UNESCO MAB World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves