ID76: Transforming mountain foodscapes


  • Full Title

    Transformations towards more sustainable and just landscapes of food production in mountains

  • Scheduled

    Monday, 2022-09-12
    10:00 - 12:00

  • Co-Conveners

    Theresa Tribaldos

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

    6. Mountain food regimes, global challenges and local answers


  • Keywords

    Food systems, landscapes, social-ecological systems, sustainable development, justice, global change, mountains


Mountain foodscapes are undergoing rapid changes as a result of climate change, migration both to and from rural areas, urbanization, and market integration. While these changes have in some cases led to increased pressure on local livelihoods and ecosystems, they have in others resulted in a more environmentally friendly and equitable management of mountain foodscapes. What are the factors that drive transformations towards more sustainability and justice in mountain foodscapes? Mountain foodscapes are understood here as social-ecological landscapes of food production, including food system actors located outside these mountain landscapes, namely in cities and in the lowlands. In this session, we welcome contributions on case studies that address transformations of mountain foodscapes towards increased sustainability and justice for mountain communities and ecosystems. We are interested in exploring the drivers and factors of such transformation processes, the local responses they generate, and the enabling conditions for more sustainable and just foodscapes in different contexts.

Registered Abstracts

ID77: UNESCO MAB World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves
ID75: Transformational adaptation of social-ecological mountain systems