ID74: Transdisciplinary approaches for the future of mountain transhumance, forestry, and livelihoods


  • Full Title

    Transdisciplinary approaches for the future of mountain transhumance, forestry, and livelihoods

  • Scheduled

    Monday, 2022-09-12
    16:00 - 17:30

  • Co-Conveners

    Thomas Blättler, Jean-Jacques Thormann, Bruno Durgiai and David Raemy

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

    4. Social innovation and community resource management


  • Keywords

    Transdisciplinary approach, rural livelihood strategies, alpine farm management, mountain forest management, water management, climate change, socio-cultural changes


Agricultural and forest-based production systems in mountain areas contribute considerably to sustainable regional development. Due to the challenges of structural change such as changing policies, markets and livelihoods, traditional socio-cultural and socio-economic systems are subject to adaptation processes. In this focus session we want to

  1. exchange knowledge and experiences on practical examples of adaptation strategies in mountain farming and forest management; with a transdisciplinary approach, we expect to include local people as well as experts from different disciplines to discuss topics like e.g. strategies for securing livelihoods, governance, forms of cooperation between authorities, influence of subsidies, participation of civil society and interest groups, and practical issues of working in transdisciplinary settings;
  2. discuss the future of mountain agriculture in consideration of the various ecologic, economic and social challenges which lie ahead. We seek for examples dealing with approaches from alpine or other mountain regions, offering ways to solve or mitigate emerging challenges, that could be transferred to the central European system. We will discuss how mountain transhumance will look like in 20 years, what are the most urgent challenges and how can they be faced.

Registered Abstracts

ID75: Transformational adaptation of social-ecological mountain systems
ID73: Towards climate neutrality in mountains