ID53: Policy-relevant mountain biodiversity monitoring


  • Full Title

    Mountain biodiversity monitoring for effective policy making and management in the context of global change

  • Scheduled

    Wednesday, 2022-09-14
    10:00 - 12:00

  • Co-Conveners

    Antoine Guisan, Emmanuel Reynard, Iago Otero, Helene Cristofari and Davnah Urbach

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

    1. Mountain Ecosystems under Global Change


  • Keywords

    Environmental monitoring, adaptive monitoring, mountain social-ecological systems, interdisciplinarity


Some of the most critical data for quantifying environmental changes in mountain social-ecological systems and identifying their causes, for understanding these systems and predicting their trajectories, and for informing environmental policies and agendas across scales are the time series provided by monitoring programs. However, to date we still lack the holistic and integrated framework needed to simultaneously observe the multiple dimensions of mountain social-ecosystems and the effects of the multiple factors driving their long-term change. In this session we propose to bring together an interdisciplinary group of mountain scientists to achieve an overview of existing and novel approaches to the integrated and adaptive monitoring of mountain regions across social and environmental sciences and discuss future avenues of how to (i) best delivers scientific and quantitative information about the state and trends of social-ecological mountain systems in the face of global change and (ii) best inform environmental policies.

Registered Abstracts

ID54: Recent Advancements in Canadian Mountain Research
ID52: Pathways towards nature-based adaptation and transformation in mountains