ID25: Gravitational mass flow simulations for avalanches


  • Full Title

    Current developments of open source gravitational mass flow simulation tools in avalanche research and education

  • Scheduled

    Monday, 2022-09-12
    10:00 - 12:00

  • Co-Conveners

    Wolfgang Fellin, Jan-Thomas Fischer, Ingrid Reiweger, Matthias Granig, Julia Kowalski, Martin Mergili and Peter Sampl

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

  • Keywords

    avalanches, open source, gravitational, natural disaster, numerical modelling, emulation techniques


Avalanches, as a specific type of gravitational mass flow, play a key role in densely populated mountainous areas. Not only impacting recreational activities like skiing, but also settlements or public infrastructure such as roads or railways. One part of trying to understand the process of avalanche dynamics is the computation of process or conceptually based flow models and their implementation in simulation tools.  This session focuses on current developments and scientific advances in the field of avalanche research and related gravitational mass flows. Emphasis is given to the formulation or extension of flow models, their numerical implementation, the analysis of simulation results and corresponding uncertainties and the potential use of surrogate models. The aim is to highlight existing environments, future ideas and research questions that aim to improve the current state of avalanche modelling as well as the applicability to educational purposes.

Registered Abstracts

Communities at the Top: transformative processes in the context of crisis in mountain regions.
ID80: Working conditions and attractiveness of agricultural jobs, what future for youth in mountain areas?