ID04: Alpine aquatic biodiversity


  • Full Title

    Alpine aquatic biodiversity: patterns, driving factors, and future perspectives

  • Scheduled

    Monday, 2022-09-12
    Session Part I:  10:00 - 12:00
    Session Part II: 13:30 - 15:00
    Poster Session: 17:45 - 18:30

  • Convener

  • Co-Conveners

    Jordi Catalan, Leopold Füreder and Dirk Schmeller

  • Assigned to Synthesis Workshop

    1. Mountain Ecosystems under Global Change

  • Keywords

    mountain aquatic biodiversity, alpine freshwater, global change, paleolimnology, monitoring


Whereas research on terrestrial mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity is steadily growing, life in alpine waters remains to date comparatively understudied. This is the case even though the importance of mountain aquatic habitats is undisputed and despite evidence for growing effects of global change on mountain freshwater species, ecosystems, and the functions they fulfil. This session aims at bringing together mountain aquatic biodiversity scientists to discuss the state-of-knowledge on the status of, trends in, and drivers of change in aquatic mountain biodiversity, from microbes to vertebrates, and share recent research on the three priority themes of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment working group on aquatic mountain biodiversity, namely (i) changes in and threats to, (2) long-term monitoring of, and (3) conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of mountain aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity. We further welcome contributions on paleolimnology as a tool for understanding long-term biodiversity dynamics in mountain freshwaters.

Registered Abstracts

ID05: Alpine Treeline Ecotones under Global Change
ID02: Adaptation strategies and pathways for resilience in mountain regions