Turning climate change threats into opportunities for mountains with informed designs

Keynote Details

  • Full Title

    Turning climate change threats into opportunities for mountains with informed designs

  • Place of Presentation

    Congress Center Innsbruck

  • Date of Presentation

    Wednesday, 2022-09-14


Mountain systems are gradually becoming more vulnerable to both globalization processes and climate change. The urgency to respond to these changes as well as recent disruptive events have highlighted the crucial role of mountains in steering the turn around, be it in the energy, water, food, tourism, or conservation sector. Current solutions are however often highly reactive and do not provide societally valued and needed qualities within the environmental and the social constraints of the complex systems. This keynote will present various principles to better integrate scientific knowledge in local place making to harness the expected changes and accelerate the implementation of socially acceptable solutions. An iterative loop between science and the design of new social-ecological-technical systems embedded in a civic discourse will help moderate the relationships between actions and values while creating co-benefits for people living in and outside mountain areas.


Belowground microbial responses to global change in alpine ecosystems
Communities at the Top: transformative processes in the context of crisis in mountain regions.